(1) -In The Life of Luz Noceda-

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A lot of people might say that school is one of the most terrible places to be

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A lot of people might say that school is one of the most terrible places to be. Some might even go as far as to saying they hate it. What's even worse is when you wake up late and miss the bus just like our main protagonist.

That's right, Luz Noceda, missed her alarm clock and was currently running after her bus. Yes, for about 30 minutes straight she's been running behind her school bus.

You could say Luz wished she was the girl with a ponytail sitting next to her crush, Amity Blight or be the girl sitting in front of her doing her algebra homework.

But fate had other plans.

"Stop the bus, please!" A brown haired girl exhaled throughout puffs. Her hair was messy and she had papers flying out of her backpack.

As you can guess, yes, that's our protagonist Luz Noceda. A nerd who was currently hoping the bus would stop and let her on.

All of the students on the bus began laughing at the brown haired nerd as she continued to sweat and yell for the bus to stop. Well at least one person wasn't laughing, straight-A student Amity Blight.

Amity is Luz's neighbor. She's been her neighbor for a while now, ever since Luz laid eyes on her she couldn't stop looking at her. Amity has always gotten good grades, some might say the song "Little Miss Perfect" is her theme song. But that didn't matter to now to the girl who was still chasing the bus. Hell, if she wanted to even talk to the Blight she needs to get on the bus.

The only thing Luz didn't like about Amity was the fact that she would just stand around and observes her friends bullying others. Why would anyone let their friends bully other people just for fun? It was a question that Luz never understood but that wasn't important right now.

Even with this in mind Luz was kind of used to the idea of being bullied. It's been that way for her ever since she was young. She has always been into robotics and science fairs since she saw her dad build a rocket. She was so amazed she constantly talked about being on a robotics team for her school or building something for the science fair.

However her nerdy mindset made people push her around and tease her for being "too smart". She's grown to get used to it, it wasn't like she could just stand up to her bullies they'd knock her out for sure. So she just chooses to keep a low profile after all, there's no way she could become popular in her school.

What's even the point of liking the Blight? A nerdy science geek and a straight-A student is a match you hear on fantasy movies not in real life.

But that was something for Luz to think of later, she knew damn well the bus driver could hear her. At this point she was near the door looking at him and all he did was decide to speed up. Yes, even the bus driver decided to entertain himself by making a student like Luz chase after him.

This of course pissed Luz off but there was nothing she could do about it. The bus driver was either waiting for Luz to give up chasing him or for the girl to catch an asthma attack. Seeing this Amity sighs and stands up and walks to the front of the bus, "Can you please stop the bus for her, she's been chasing us for over 45 minutes, we've even passed Deadwardian Drive!" The minty haired girl yelled.

With one swift move the bus driver sighed, stopped, and opened the doors for Luz. "Sorry I missed my alarm, it won't happen again!" Luz said.

"Amity you could've at least waited for me to finish recording her, she looked so pathetic!" A student yelled. This made the Blight glare at the student with disgust. "Maybe learn to mature, we're in high school after all." The Blight remarked and sat down.

Luz let out a small sigh and began to walk down the bus. In hopes for a open seat. Majority of the students glare at her, signaling that they didn't want her next to them. Just her luck.

Her eyes wander and lock on an empty seat next to a girl with a pink ponytail, when Luz attempts to set her bad down the girl slams her hand down on the empty space. "Taken."

This just meant Luz had to continue her journey in search for a seat. She lets out a small uneasy chuckle as she walks down to a familiar minty haired girl, Amity. Just when she was about to speak a pink-haired girl who Luz recalled her name being Boscha came in front of her.

"Next time think twice before considering the idea of sitting next to Amity." And with that she glared at Luz which makes the girl step back and trip over someone's foot making her fall face first. Great.

This makes her glasses fall off of her face. She touches around the floor in search of them. However it's hard to focus when there's tons of people laughing and giggling at her attempts to navigate without them.

Luz hears a pair of footsteps approach her, her glasses are placed back on her face by Amity. Who gives her a look of concern after. "You okay?" She asked. "I'm fine, thanks for handing me my glasses back." Luz says as she stands up and rushes to the back of the bus.

Maybe the day will get better later. Hopefully.

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