(2) -Arriving at Wittebane Corp Museum-

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Principle Bump informs the students that they are getting closer to Wittebane Corp Museum

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Principle Bump informs the students that they are getting closer to Wittebane Corp Museum. This made the students buzz in excitement as the bus pulled into the parking lot of the museum.

Sadly no one was paying attention. Not even Luz nor Amity who were known to be very good listeners. Luz reached in her backpack, which was nearly half empty and pulled out a camera. She refilled the film and placed the camera around her neck.

Chatter surrounds everyone as the students laugh and talk about different things they might see or learn in the museum. Principle bump takes this as a sign of defeat and instructs everyone off of the bus, he rolls his eyes as they approach the entrance of the museum.

"What's up Luz?" A familiar voice said. Luz spun her head around to see a good friend.

Hunter, better known as Philip Wittebane's nephew was currently standing a couple feet away from Luz. "Long time no see." He said.

"Hunter!" Luz is excited. It's been a long time since she's seen Hunter, let alone someone that didn't find her annoying.

Hunter dusts off his suit. Hunter has always worn suits since he was little, what do you expect when he's the son of a rich businessman.

"It's good to see you again." She smiles warmly at him "And that's a nice suit, you really don't have anything better to wear in your wardrobe, do you?" She added.

"What a way for you to greet an old friend, also for your information I do have other clothes to wear." He snapped. "Although I'll admit, wearing a suit to a school field trip is a little over dramatic." He added.

Luz looked at him with a grin "Glad to know you're still as dramatic as ever."

"Hunter, think fast!" A voice said, Hunter and Luz turned their attention to a voice that was farther behind them. A backpack made contact with Hunter's face a couple seconds later.

"Ouch!" He yelled.

Surprise, surprise, it's Philip Wittebane. He was also wearing a suit, one that was much more fancy. His hair was more blonde than Hunter's.

"Uncle, did you really have to throw the backpack at my face?" Hunter asked.

"Well I did tell you to think fast." Philip said with a chuckle. "And is that...Luz? It's been a while hasn't it?" Philip said with a hand extended out. Luz shook his hand vigorously.

No this wasn't the first time Luz and Philip have met, however it has been some years since Luz has seen him in person. She's mostly seen him online or on the news.

"I've studied all of your nanotechnology research since elementary. I have to say it's a really fascinating discovery." Luz said.

Philip let out a small chuckle. "Even since you were a child you understood science and nanotechnology better than my own nephew. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you."

"They are, after all I learned from my dad he's taught me everything that I know." Luz added.

"Also you two do know I'm still here, right?" Hunter said as he stood up. "And I'll have you know that I'm something of a scientist myself." He pouted.

The interaction was interrupted by an echoing voice.

"Start moving into the building you brats!" A teacher yelled.

Luz blinks a couple times and remembers that they're on a field trip and that it was time to go. "It was nice seeing you again Mr. Wittebane."

"I'm sure we'll see each other once again, let's just hope it doesn't take another 8 years." He chuckled in response. Before Luz could say anything Hunter started dragging her towards the entrance of the museum.

"C'mon I'm not trying to get a detention because of you fawning over my uncle." He said, which earned a scoff from Luz.

"You're just embarrassed that he threw a backpack at your face."

"I'm not." He said with pink cheeks.

"Your face tells me everything." Luz said.

The two finally stopped their little fight and start to catch up to the rest of the class.

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