Chapter Seven

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Eric POV


"You think this is over!" I sort of yelled at him, still unsure if I should be drawing attention to us or not.

"This again?" He replied, walking right passed me.

"Yes." Pulling him back towards me, I pushed him against his own locker and blocked him from leaving. "Don't think just because you helped me out that I've forgotten all about beating you up."

He was mine. I was going to pound the crap out of this guy if it was the last thing I did. People would know why you didn't mess with me, and when I was done with this bastard, I'd find those thugs from before and show them why too.

No one's gonna beat me now!

"I think I did a lot more than just help you out..." Lucas smirked, pushing me out of his way.

What the hell is he talking about? I thought to myself, growing limp. And why is he talking about it out loud for?!

"Shut up." I ran up behind him and quietly warned him in his ear.

"What? Can't hear you!"


"Sorry," he continued saying, "just thought you'd be a bit more grateful after I helped you with those thugs. You would have been killed if I, or Kim, hadn't been there to save you sorry ass."

Letting out a low sigh of relief, I continued following him down the hall.

"And I thought you'd give it up, especially after I was kind enough to take you back to my house..." he laughed

"THAT NEVER HAPPENED!" I yelled at him, this time drawing a crowd. "What are you all looking at!"

I quickly got everyone gathering to flee.

"It never happened?" Lucas laughed to himself, "Yeah, I wish."

Somehow, the way he said it caught me off guard and I hesitated to react. Confused about what he meant by it, I almost just walked away. Then he seemed to notice.

"That's just not how I would have liked our first kiss to have turned out," he further explained, continuing on his way to class.

Is he just sparing my feelings? Or is he just messing with me?

"Shut up." I warned him one last time, ready to blow. "I said it never happened."

"Oh, lighten up. You weren't that bad. What? Was it your first time or something?"


"Wait a minute. Really?" He grinned even wider this time, even giggled to himself. "No wonder. That explains why it was so... awkward."

"Okay, that's enough!" Grabbing this guy by the collar, I pulled him in and prepared to punch him right in the face, but somehow, I couldn't do it. I couldn't punch him, not with the way he stared up at me..

"Come on, Eric. Just let it go." Gently taking a hold of my hands, he lowered them down and leaned in a bit closer towards me. "Do you really need the whole school finding out about this?"

Fuck! He is going to try and use this against me.

But that wasn't why I was letting him get away this time. Already too confused about the whole thing, I didn't continue following him and lost him as he walked back into the crowd.

What the hell am I doing?

"I hate him so much."

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