Thanatos the immortal

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In a world where time flowed like a river, there existed a man named Thanatos, the immortal

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In a world where time flowed like a river, there existed a man named Thanatos, the immortal. He had wandered through centuries, an ageless specter of resilience, enduring wars, plagues, and the relentless passage of time. But all the years he had lived led to this moment - a final stand against an army of knights.

The knights, clad in gleaming armor and brandishing sharp metal swords, encircled Thanatos. Their determined faces illuminated by torchlight bore no hint of fear. They knew of his immortality, but they also knew that he was the only obstacle standing between them and his beloved wife, Elena.

Thanatos drew his ancient blade, a weapon forged in a time forgotten, its edge still as keen as the day it was crafted. With a roar that echoed through the darkened forest, he charged into the midst of the knights, his heart pounding with a single purpose - to protect Elena.

The battle raged on, a dance of steel and blood under the moonless sky. Thanatos moved with supernatural grace, his blade a blur of death as he struck down knights with a chilling efficiency. He was a whirlwind of fury, an unyielding force of nature, and for every knight that fell, two more took their place.

As the night wore on, Thanatos could feel his strength waning, but he refused to relent. He fought on, his body battered and bruised, his determination unbroken. Each swing of his blade was a testament to his undying love for Elena, the woman who had shared his immortal existence for centuries.

Finally, as dawn broke on the horizon, Thanatos stood amidst a field of fallen knights. He was battered, his armor rent, but his spirit remained unbroken. With weary steps, he made his way back home, desperate to reunite with Elena.

But when he arrived, the scene that greeted him shattered his heart. The once-peaceful cottage they had shared for centuries was now a scene of gruesome devastation. The lifeless body of his beloved Elena lay in a pool of blood, her eyes forever closed.

Tears welled up in Thanatos' immortal eyes as he knelt beside her, his heart heavy with grief. He had fought so valiantly, but he had arrived too late. The knights, in their desperation, had struck at the one thing he held most dear.

As he cradled Elena's lifeless form, Thanatos felt a profound emptiness. Immortality had been his curse, but now it felt like a cruel joke. He had survived countless battles and outlasted empires, only to lose the one person he couldn't live without.

With a heavy heart, Thanatos whispered a vow to his departed wife. He would find a way to end his immortality, to join her in whatever afterlife awaited them. And so, with a newfound purpose, he set out on a quest that would take him to the ends of the earth, seeking a way to finally be reunited with his beloved Elena.

At least that's how my story was told through the Centuries, Unannounced to the teller I was among the many crowds hearing the lies. With each word my blood would begin to boil till I slide a blade across the storyteller's throat and to all that believed the story. 

The truth of the story was after I had killed everyone, one of the knights that fought under the flag of the golden hand. I began my way with him with the cottage insight and my love exiting it to embrace my arms. She was shot with 6 arrows to her chest. She was no Immortal being like me. She was the daughter of the king that ran the golden hand. In his eyes someone that could die and return to life was a devil. His way of saving his daughter from the devil was to have her killed. 

I leaned over her with her coughing up blood as she spoke her final words to me. Despite the hidden arches turning me into a practice dummy I didn't not Budge from her side. Instead I took many arrows into my back and calves. His final words were.

"I will see you in heaven my love. I will wait no matter how many years it takes." 

Watching her beauty brown eyes close one final time and her sweet smile fade away. I was Driven into an ungodly rage and burnt down the entire kingdom of the golden hand. 

As I stood there, hidden in the shadows of the castle, my heart pounded with a mixture of vengeance and sorrow. The kingdom's once-golden spires now cast eerie, flickering shadows as the unnatural flames I had conjured devoured them whole.

My eyes, once filled with love for Elena, now blazed with a fiery resolve. The weight of my promise to avenge her unjust death bore down on me. In the distance, I could hear the frantic shouts of the castle's inhabitants, but my focus was solely on King Eamon.

We clashed amidst the inferno, sparks flying as our swords met in a symphony of violence. I fought like a man possessed, each strike fueled by the memory of my beloved wife. The king, driven to desperation, hurled any object near him my way, but I was undeterred.

Finally, our battle reached its gruesome conclusion. With one brutal swing, I ended King Eamon's tyrannical reign. His lifeless body fell at my feet, and I could almost feel at peace.

But there was no time for celebration. The castle itself was crumbling, collapsing in on itself as the flames consumed it from within. The world around me roared in chaos as the walls, once so mighty, now crumbled into dust.

In those final moments, I felt a strange mix of satisfaction and despair. My vengeance had been exacted, but my heart, the heart that had once beat in time with Elena's, remained forever empty. As the castle tumbled around me, I screamed into the inferno, a guttural cry of anguish that mingled with the crackling of flames.

And then, it all went dark.

Hours later, I awoke amidst the smoldering ruins, my body untouched by the devastation around me. My heartache, however, remained as raw as ever. Elena was gone, and no amount of vengeance could fill the hole she had left in my heart. I was condemned to walk this world, an immortal man with a burning heart and an unquenchable thirst for death so I may be with my love once again. 

That's the truth behind the tale of Thanatos, the Immortal.  Now I find myself in a world unlike the one I was born in. This one known as the Cleansed world, I will later spread more of my stories in this world but for now I let this be the story everyone knows, the true story of Thanatos, the immortal. 

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