Whispers in the City of Mistakes

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I'd always been warned about the trolls and goblins that roamed the City of Mistakes. These creatures, born from the city's dark past, lurked in its many shadows. With that in mind, I set up camp in what seemed to be a secluded spot amidst the decay.

As night fell and my campfire's glow became the sole beacon of light in the vast darkness, a soft voice drifted to my ears. "Come out," it beckoned. The voice was chillingly familiar—it was mine. Yet, my lips hadn't moved.

A cold dread settled over me. Thinking it might be one of the mischievous trolls or goblins trying to play tricks, I cautiously unzipped my tent. The dying embers of my campfire revealed an unsettling sight: a tall, elongated shadow on the periphery of the light. The shape seemed off—not like the bulky trolls or the wiry goblins I'd heard tales of, but something more distorted. Its long fingers seemed to dance as they brushed the fabric of my tent.

Gathering my wits, I stepped out, looking for any signs of a lurking troll. I peered behind the crumbling walls of nearby buildings and checked the gnarled trees that stood sentinel-like around my camp. But there was no troll, goblin, or any creature in sight. Only the silence of the city answered me.

The ground seemed to vanish beneath me as my feet were swept out from under. My head crashed into the unyielding concrete, sending a blaze of pain through my skull. As I tried to regain my senses, the flashlight slipped from my fingers, its beam spinning erratically, creating a frenzied dance of shadows.

In the midst of my confusion, a paralyzing fear took hold. The shadowy figure loomed over me, its long fingers ensnaring my ankles. The cold grip felt inhuman, and it began to drag me away from the sanctuary of my tent, deeper into the menacing heart of the City of Mistakes.

Every instinct screamed at me to escape, but the pain in my head and the iron grasp on my ankles rendered me powerless. I was at the mercy of this shadowy entity, my vision blurring with fear and pain.

Suddenly, as if guided by fate, my spinning flashlight's beam landed directly on us. The creature reacted instantaneously. As the light washed over it, it began to disintegrate, the darkness that formed its very essence melting away. It seemed as though the creature was birthed from the shadows, and the light was its nemesis. My ankles were released, and the presence was gone, vanished into the very darkness from which it emerged. Shaken and gasping for breath, I scrambled back to my tent.

The sound of shuffling footsteps and muted voices reached my ears, bringing me out of my daze. I recognized the distinct high-pitched chatter of goblins, the very creatures I'd hoped to avoid when setting up camp. They called out, their voices dripping with malicious glee. "Come out, human. Let's play."

Peering out of my tent, the beam of my flashlight revealed a small group of goblins. Their eyes gleamed with mischief, and the dim light of their torches cast an eerie glow on their grotesque features. The sinister grins stretching across their faces, displaying rows of jagged teeth, made it clear that they weren't here to help.

Before I could react, one of them lunged at the tent's entrance, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling me out with surprising strength. I screamed in pain and tried to resist, but their numbers were overwhelming. The other goblins gathered around, chuckling and sneering.

To my horror, a few of them pulled out small, crudely crafted daggers. I braced myself for the worst, but instead of inflicting harm, they began cutting away at my clothes, laughing as they shredded the fabric. My heart raced in panic. Were they preparing me for some dark ritual or twisted game?

Desperation surged within me. With a sudden burst of energy, I kicked the goblin holding my hair, causing him to stumble backward. Using the brief moment of confusion, I lunged for my flashlight, shining its bright beam directly into the eyes of the closest goblins. They recoiled, shielding their sensitive eyes from the intense light. Without wasting a second, I bolted, leaving behind my tattered belongings and the haunting laughter of the goblins.

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