The Walk Between Worlds

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Ever since I was young, the supernatural has always captivated me—a secret belief in a world that lies just beyond the ordinary, a place where shadows hold whispers of spirits, where unseen creatures lurk, and where realms beyond our wildest imaginations wait to be discovered. Amid the chaos of my family's constant turmoil, this belief has been my refuge, offering me solace in the idea that there's more to existence than the never-ending disputes at home.

Now, for the revelation that might unsettle you—I've experienced death 185 times.

No, I'm not an ageless entity nor a mythical creature blessed with numerous lives. Each night, under the cloak of darkness, as the rest of the world drifts into silence, I embark on a journey unlike any other. My spirit ventures into realms that are nascent, still unfurling in the endless tapestry of the universe. But these realms come with a cruel stipulation: the only escape is through death, a demise as real and profound as any in the waking world.

The initial deaths were harrowing experiences. To feel your life force drain away, to meet death so intimately, it's not an encounter you can easily dismiss or grow accustomed to. It leaves its mark, altering you in indescribable ways.

This strange journey began on the eve of my 16th birthday, a day that should have been a celebration of life but instead marked the inception of this bewildering, curse-like power. Now, as I stand on the cusp of my 18th birthday, I find myself grappling with more questions than answers. Compelled by a need for understanding, I've decided to share my story. Perhaps, in doing so, I might find someone who can shed light on this enigma, or perhaps I might stumble upon some clarity about this perplexing aspect of my existence.

Rather than recounting the myriad deaths and the stories they've woven into the fabric of my being, I choose to begin at the start—when my life took a nosedive into what seemed like an abyss, hitting what felt like rock bottom. This narrative isn't merely about my excursions to the Cleansed World; it's a glimpse into the pivotal moment that turned my life upside down, propelling me into a journey filled with mystery, peril, and an endless search for answers.

These aren't just mere tales; they're pieces of me, imbued with the remnants of each death and rebirth I've endured. As I write this, with another nightfall looming, I'm filled with a mix of apprehension and eagerness for the journey ahead. Each night offers a new world to explore in the Cleansed World, a new challenge to face, and, perhaps hidden within the expanse of the cosmos, a chance to uncover the truth behind this anomaly that has irrevocably shaped my existence.

Chapter 1: Sleepless Swamp

The Sleepless Swamp is not a place you'd stumble upon in storybooks; it's more a fever dream, a painting smudged by darkness and despair. When I close my eyes and find myself there, it feels as though I've stepped into a night that never dared to meet the dawn. The water, a black mirror stretching infinitely, holds secrets so deep that the surface barely whispers of them.

I remember the air, thick with the scent of decay and the heaviness of a thousand sorrows. The swamp is silent, yet it speaks in the language of subtle disturbances: a bubble here, a ripple there, telling me that I am far from alone. The plants that dot the landscape are deceptive in their beauty; they glow softly, like ghostly beacons, but their light is a cold comfort—it offers no warmth, no respite.

In this world, the ground is a myth; there's only the water and the things that move beneath it. Your feet find no purchase, only the unsettling touch of unknown plants that coil and release with a life of their own. And there are things that watch you, their eyes reflecting the faint glow of the foliage, calculating, waiting.

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