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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗼

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗼

SILENCE FILLS THE ROOM, no one prepared for that to be the thing that ruins the moment.

"What happened?" I ask immediately after processing their words, "well you see, a student went to visit their parents a few days ago, maybe 3 days, but this morning their parents called asking if they still planned on visiting.

"So it's been three days since the last time they were seen?" I ask as the student nods nervously, "ok don't worry, we will figure out what's going on. Javeion take them to their dorm so they can calm down," I explain and with that Javeion nods before smiling at the student and walking with them out.

"Genis check the area for any magic use, in and out of school perimeter, Coraline go with Genis see if you can find her roaming around and Maddy I need you find any clues," I exclaim as they all nod before quickly walking out.

With that I sigh before heading to the phone residing in council room, dialing the number for the person I was not wishing to see sooner then I already had too.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as the ringing stops, "Tylanna? Why are you calling right now, aren't I seeing you tomorrow?" Ben asks as I sigh. "Yes, I apologize but a problem has occurred, a student has gone missing," I explain. "Don't apologize, how long has it been?" He asks sounding worried, "it's been three days now from what I'm told, I don't know if it's serious yet but I wanted to tell you incase it is," I respond as he bums understandingly.

"I'm sorry, since I can't do much as of now, due to the isle situation and coronation so for now I hope it ok if I send you a little help?" He asks asks, "of course, I would actually really appreciate it," I answer as I smile, it's wasn't much but it was something.



"Come in," I answer as I keep writing down in the record keeping book, "hello Tylanna," Ben voice says as he enters. "Good evening Ben," I greet as I get up to curtsy to him, "no need for formal greetings we're close friends aren't we?" He says with a smile and I just sigh giving him a small smile. "I wouldn't say we're to close after all I don't go to Auradon," I mumble and he just sigh giving me a sad look.

"So what brings you here?" I ask as I sit back down, and Ben takes a seat near me, "I wanted to properly introduce to my royal advisor the man I'm trusting to help you figure out what's going on," he explains. "Wait by Royal advisor you don't mean-," before I can finish the door open and in walks in the boy I've always seen on screen, Perseus Pan.

"Tylanna, meet my royal advisor Perceus and Perseus meet Tylanna, the leader of the Magic council," Ben introduces. "Well isn't this a interesting mix up," I mumble only making Perceus grin, "daughter of Tinkerbell I presume," he guesses as he looks at me.

"Son of Peter Pan, am I right?" I retort back with a grin, "well then I'll leave you two to it," Ben says before leaving awkwardly. "Sit," I tell Perceus who takes the seat where Ben had earlier resided. "To sum it up a child has gone missing four days ago, no one has seen her since she left and we can't find her roaming anywhere," I explain.

"So she kind of just...vanished?" He asks as I nod, "so we need to figure out what happened before the coronation, but that itself already sounds complicated to do when don't even have a lead," I sigh frustrated and worried

"Don't worry, we will find them," he reassures as he smiled softly to me, suddenly I feel my cheeks go hot making me abruptly stand up. "You stay here, I'll call for the others so you can all meet," I say before walking to the phone. "Can all council members return to the office please," I say in the phone which can be heard throughout the schools speakers.

With that everyone immediately rushes through the doors, everyone being Madeline and Genis, Coraline just appears in her seat quietly while Javeion walks in politely. "Who's this?" Javeion asks the moment he takes a seat, "everyone met Perceus, Bens Royal advisor and the person who will be helping us find out what's going on," I explained.

"Well isn't this an interesting mix-," Genius starts, "I already said it Genis," I grin as he pouts. "Anyways, introduce yourselves, after all hell be here for a bit," I state, "well I start, I'm Javeion Cricket, I'm in charge of keeping track of the library and all the magic as well as ancient books within it," Javeion starts us off.

"I'm Coraline Cat, I'm in charge of keeping watch of the students," Coraline introduces, Genis follows after her, "I'm Genis Genie, I'm in charge of the magic and magic use here."

"And I'm Madeline Hatter! Hello! I'm in charge of watching the misfit kids," she greets him with a excited and giggly tone. "Nice to meet you all, I'm curious in how things will be here during my time helping out," Perceus says as he bows his head in a way of thanks for having him.

"So to start has any clues or leads appeared for you four yet?" I ask as they all shake their heads no, except for Coraline. "I wouldn't say it's a big help, but at the edge of the enchanted forest I found this," with that she pulls out a ripped piece of paper, it had a bit written on it though not much as a big piece of it was missing.

"Auradon prep...hiring teachers," I mutter out, "what would this have to do with this?" Perceus asks, as he asks Coraline pulls out a bow. "The girl who's missing, as I was told by the people she hangs around with, she wears these all the," she explains.

"Then I assume maybe the person behind this dropped this paper behind, so maybe they plan to go to Auradon disguised as a teacher," I say, it wasn't a far off idea but a lot was missing, if only we could get something more...

"Another student has gone missing!" A student exclaims as they burst in panicked.

"Well doesn't this feel familiar," I mumble as we all glance at each other before turning back to the student. "What happened?" I ask as I look at the student.

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