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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

WITH A CURIOUS YET worried looks we turn to the student in hopes they know what may have happened. "I can't say for sure, but yesterday Lelana was supposed to visit Auradon since for class we have to interview our role model and hers was fairy godmother. When she got there she texted me she arrived safely and a teacher was kind enough to guide her but this morning fairy godmother called the teacher to tell them she never showed up," they explains with an anxious look.

"Ok, please don't worry, we will find her without a doubt," I snap my finger and a fairy appears, "fairy friend please guide him to his dorm and help him calm down please," I ask as the fairy I summoned smiles and nods happily before leading them out.

The moment the door closes my reassuring smile drops, I walk towards the phone that resided in the council room. "Attention everyone, due to certain circumstances students are prohibited from leaving campus ground," I announce through the phones speaker mode that goes through the schools speakers.

With that I put the phone down and turn to the  others, "we need to get into Auradon Prep, if we move fast enough we may be able to find the culprit," I exclaim before I turn to Peter. "So is it possible, I mean, to get us into the school?" I ask Perceus, he grins at me as I ask, "of course, I can make anything possible darling," he answers as he gently takes my hand and kissing it, "uhm...thank you?" I respond not knowing how to feel.

"Well then....ignoring...whatever that was, let's hurry and get to it," Javeion says side eyeing Perceus. "I'll let the headmaster know before we head plan to leave, we can't let this ruin the coronation, plus the isle kids were supposed to arrive today so there's a lot we have to dodge," I explain as they nod.

"I'll stay and keep watch of the school, especially the misfit kids," Maddy volunteers, "good idea, keep me updated after we leave and Perceus tell Ben and get us in quick," I say as they both nod. Perceus quickly steps out to call Ben while I turn to the others, "I'm not sure this is dangerous since we don't know what fully going on, but everyone step with caution. I trust you guys to be able to defend yourself even if the time came, I mean after all we weren't chosen for no reason," I grin.

"Well that was fast...," I mumble as we step onto the ground of Auradon Prep, "I told you I can make anything possible," he smiles and I just roll my eyes. "You can feel the stares already don't you?" Genis asks in whisper and I nod, I knew we would get looks, I mean we aren't that different in their eyes as the Isle kids.

"Tylanna!" I hear a family voice say making me stare blankly, "Benjamin, I see your not busy," I sigh and he just pouts before smiling again. "For a childhood friend you sure are cold," he says, "wait you to grew up together?" Perceus asks shocked and a bit angry??

"Yeah my father and her mother worked together to form both Auradon and Saladine, so it was obvious their kids would be close," he explains. "...you don't look close," Genis point out, "Tylanna doesn't like Auradon and when she found out I'd be the king of it she started not liking me as much," he explains with a sigh.

"And I said in our deal, if your proclamation helps the options on the isle kids I'll reconsider my dislike, if people don't hate the isle their views on Saladine will hopefully change," I explain, Perceus gives a confused look. "Views on Saladine?" He asks, "have you not noticed the stares we've been getting this entire time?" I ask and he finally looks around noticing them.

"Why do people stare so oddly at you?" He asks us, "because we're Saladine students," Coraline answers, "Saladine students are the mid ground of Auradon and the Isle but to Auradon we appear no different then the Isle kids," Javeion explains. "But you aren't villain kids!" Perceus exclaims, "we may not be but we aren't important to them, we are seen as useless to Auradon students," I sigh.

"But your school has all the important books and magic items we didn't want to put in the museum! Then magic council too!" He exclaims trying to find reason, "it's fine Perceus, I appreciate you trying to find a reason why they shouldn't feel the way they do, but it's just how it is," I smile softly, reassuring him that it's not a big deal to us anymore.

"Now then, we will be acting as transfer students, we will act as a normal student but we won't be normal students. We have only two goal, find the culprit and don't get caught,"  I exclaim. "I leave you guys to it, and remember to let me know if you need anything," Ben says before walking offs

"Is he still dating that girl?" I whisper to Perceus as we start to walk inside the school, "if you mean Audrey then sadly yes," he sighs and I just giggle. "You don't like her either?" I ask and he immediately shakes his head, "I'd rather him date Mal then that girl," he says as he shivers making me laugh more. "Who's mal?" I ask curiously, as I slowly stop laughing, "oh she's one of the isle kids, Maleficent's daughter," he responds.

"Do you think the isle kids could be suspects?" Javeion asks, cutting into our conversation. "No, they only got here before the second disappearance so it wouldn't make sense, besides I don't even think they know our school exists," I explain as Javeion nods understandably.

"We'll split up, since classes are over we don't have to act the part," Coraline says and we all nod in agreement, "remember don't get caught we don't know what will happen," Javeion says before we all split up, by all that didn't include Perceus.

"Percy why are you following me?" I ask as I walk, "Percy? Does that mean we are on nickname terms?" He grins as he walks beside me, I just sigh, "sure why not?" I say with a smile and he looks at me surprised.

"What? Did you expect me to be cold and me to you the entire time?" I giggle, silence fills the area around us, "you did didn't you?" I say and he nods slowly making me laugh. "Just because my mom doesn't get along well with yours doesn't mean I'm supposed to hate you," I start.

"We're not our parents, we choose our own destiny so why should I let her life stop mine?" I continue as he just smiles at me with a sigh. "No wonder you and Ben are friends, he would say the same," Percy says as I smile proudly, "of course he would he's the soon to be king he better think like this," I exclaim which makes Percy let out a laugh.

"You got a point there," he say before I suddenly stop him, "Percy look near the enchanted forests boarder! A person caring someone over their shoulder!" I exclaim before running after them, that was most definitely our culprit.

"Tyla! Tyla wait!" Percy exclaim but I keep running, as I finally catch up with the person only for them to have vanished. "I was right behind them! Where could they have gone?!" I mutter frustrated, "Tyla you shouldn't run off alone! What if it was dangerous?! Your could've gotten hurt!" He yells as he grips my shoulders tightly but not in a painful way, in a worried way.

I smile softly a bit upset with losing the culprit but happy to see someone caring about me, "I'm ok I lost them anyways, let's go back," I sigh, Percy looks at me with a look that clearly was him feeling bad but I just simply put my hand out for him to take. "Hurry up or you'll starve," I giggle and he smiles slightly before taking my hand.

We walk hand and hand, heading back towards the school. "Your not head over heels for me already? Are you?" I tease as I see his face go red, "no! I was just worried, that's all!" He immediately denies making me laugh, "mhm sure, sure," I smirk before he lets go of my hand and runs off making me laugh harder.

"Cute..." I mutter before my own cheeks go red.

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