Kline after some time of thinking, he says this to the general. "You can read minds? Right?"
The general in a pompous manner and tone. "I can, infact i can read from your's Right now and i can see a Yokohomian like women over 2 metres tall and thinking i am pompous! How dare you!"
Kline smiles and says "well what does your master say?"
The general again "My master said i am of upmost importance and i shall rule alongside him!"
Kline smiles and orders the general "Well take a look at my memories, lets see if i remember wrong"
The general with a anger tone after scanning Klines memories of the conversation.
"THAT BASTERD! THAT ASS HOLE! THAT mind my druga tribal langue but hes a HORFISLT OF A NARRIAN!"
"Yes but he does have loyalist and the captains gone fighting, so you need to plan this out who can help you? The colonel? Then gather the remaining loyalist and KILL them. Ok now can i leave please?"
The general loves it so much he say he made it!
He thanks Kline and orders him to escape the bunker or he shall become one of them!
Kline runs away in the main hall, but sadly 2 Gepei follow him with spears ready to kill him.
What, he never promised him to leave alive? He needs his brain for better leaders!
Pollu, gunso, Naime and kline: Machines of Tryvik
DiversosThe 4 are back! with another adventure, This time with a pop, after the day from dimension hoping and finally being in NAROVERSE-3, but it will all to change, the tribal village they live in (Barq) has been attacked by Mechanical cyborgs half machin...