final battle aftermath

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After the tower was destroyed, peppino limped all the way to your house for some first aid. He knocked on the door and you answered.

You: peppino! *hugs him* what happened to you?
Peppino: I managed to beat pizza head to the pulp. *hisses in pain and feels his tears*
You: you're in pain! Let me take care of you.

You lead peppino to your bedroom. Peppino took off his shirt and lay on the bed as you get medicine from the bathroom. You put the ointment on the paper tower.

You: this will sting for a moment.

You put the paper tower on peppino's wound when he screamed in tears. You flinch back at the scream.

Peppino: it hurts! *sobs*
You: sorry....
Peppino: *whimpers* can you give me a different cure?
You: I have a pain reliever that'll last for 8 hours until the pain goes away.
Peppino: *shakes his head and lips tremble*
You: What's wrong?
Peppino: *blushes* can you kiss me?
You: *blushes* point to the painful spots, peppino.

Peppino pointed at both his knees and you kissed his knees. He pointed at his elbows and you kissed his elbows. He pointed at his chest and you kissed his chest. Finally he pointed at his lips and you kissed his lips. Just as you are about to pull away, peppino held you tight in his arms and kept kissing you.

You gasp in surprise that peppino actually loves you. As the kiss continued on, peppino's tears still flooded his face and began to whimper moan. You both then part for air and catch your breaths.

You: that was a cheesy way of confessing your love to me, peppino.
Peppino: yeah. *more tears flood his face and blushes more* I love you, y/n.
You: I love you too, peppino
Peppino: *hugs you tight and cries* please, y/n. Stay with me. I need you.
You: I'll stay with you, peppino.

Peppino kept holding you as he continued to cry. He cried and cried until he slept. You put a blanket on both of you and you slept as well.

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