Thank you Albus.

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544 words.

I am sitting at the professors table and Fred and George come running towards me.
"Fred, George, whats wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing." George says.
"We wanted to give you something." Fred says and George gives me a letter. I immediatly know what it is about and I take the letter.
"Now go and take a seat at the Gryffindore table, because I am Starving and I want to eat." I say and Fred and George run of to the Gryffindor table. when everyone sits down the food appeares on the tables and we all start eating. 

When everyone is done with eating i stand up and walk to Albus.
"Albus, I did not recieve a letter with my schedule of this week." I say and Albus puts his hand in one of his pockets.
"I am so Sorry Ashley, I tottaly forgot." Albus says and he grabs a letter out of the pocket his hand is in.
"Thank you Albus." I say.
"Good luck today." Albus says and with that I walk of. I go to my room and grab my bag, I put the letter from Fred and George in it, the letter with my schedule, my potions book and some other stuff.

I am walking trough the hallways and on my way to the potions classroom I see Ginny.
"Ginny, you are early." I say as i go to walk next to her.
"I wanted to be on time for my first lesson." Ginny says and she smiles at me.
"Well, if you keep doing that you might get some house points for Gryffindore." I say and the biggest smile appears on her face.
"I promise I will be on time professor." Ginny says and we arrive at the potions classroom.
"Well I need to go now. I will see you in a few minutes." I say and I give Ginny a high five. I open the door, walk in and then close the door behind me.
"What are we going to do today Sev?" I ask as I put my bag next to the chair behind my desk that is a bit smaller then his.
"Today we are going to make Babbling Beverage." Severus says. 
"How can I help?" I ask.
"Can you grab some of the ingridiënts and put them on the tables." Severus says.
"Ofcourse." I say and I grab some of the ingridiënts.
"Sev, I need some stuff for a potion, can I grab some ingridiënts after this class?" I ask.
"Ofcourse you can. Grab everything you need." Severus says.
"Thanks Sev." I say and i give him a hug. We are done with putting the ingridiënts on the tables so I open the door. Ginny walks in and takes a seat in the front of the classroom. After a while all the students are here so I close  the door. Severus starts the lesson and the kids start making their potions. I walk around and help where i can. 
"Ginny, how is it going?" I ask and i look at her potion.
"I am nearly done, I think i am doing okay." She says but she sounds like she is not so sure. I help her a little bit and then walk to someone else.

It really took me to long to make this. please follow my account. i hope you enjoyed this chapter. please vote for this chapter.

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