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Chapter Six
Revenge of the Spider
Queen #2 

❝I will forget anyway, so I'm going to be fine.❞

EVERYONE LOOKED AT YOU once they heard your voice. You were pretty confused as to why they were pinning Redson down. You all stared at each other before Mk rushed to you.

He held your shoulders, "Y/N! I'm glad you're fine! Why are you with Redson by the way?" Mk asked with a bit of concern in his voice, but then it turned to curiosity. Mei joined his side and nodded, "Yeah, is he holding you hostage?" She asked as will, but more aggressively. Mk sweatdropped at Mei's question yet again he couldn't blame her since she doesn't know how strong you were. You thought for a moment, gazing at the two of them.

"I forgot." You answered, making the two comically fall upside down.

"Y/N, you can't go with him. He might be one of that spider's henchmen!" Mei leaped in front of you, sending a glare to Redson. The red haired male growled before exploding in anger, pushing everyone away from him, "Henchmen? Not that any of you would care but my father was captured by that eight-legged freak and Y/N saw everything! So, if you'll excuse me and Y/N, I'll just steal this ship and be on our way." He stated while trying to sound polite, pulling your hand so you would be close to him.

Mk frowned upon seeing how close you were to the red demon, he just felt... jealous. He quickly shook his head to push these thoughts away, "Wait, what?! That's not-..." Mk was cut off when Redson sighed in annoyance.

"Ugh, fine! Will you let me steal your ship so me and Y/N can go save my father and also the world from this spider menace, please?"

The group complained, but you blocked all of the sounds away, staring up at the sky. You blinked a few times upon gazing at a certain cloud, "Hmm... This cloud looks like something... I don't remember." You thought while keeping your eyes on the cloud. You didn't listen to anything that was being told since you didn't care. However, upon mentioning the Celestial Realm, you paid attention to their conversation. What you understood is that Redson needed a few items from the Celestial Realm to make an antidotes from the venom he found. Mk wanted to help Redson, but there were objections from both Pigsy and Mei. However, they eventually agreed to work together only this time.

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You and the others stood behind Redson who had just finished drawing a symbol on the ground. He smirked in pride as he crossed his arms while humming.

"So, how exactly does this work?" Tang asked, making the red demon frown. He sighed in annoyance and turned around, "Ugh. If I tried to explain mystical interdimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains!" Redson stated in mockery, making everyone more upset. Mk didn't like the way Redson was talking, but he needed all the help available in order to defeat the spider demon, "We don't have any other option. We have to trust him." He spoke up. Redson let out a small laugh, "Great speech, Noodle Boy. Super motivational." Before he could do anything, you hit yhe back of his head, but not to harsh.

"Stop mocking him and get along."

"You didn't really need to hit me for it!" Redson hissed before he turned to continue the spell, placing his hands on the symbol to make it glow. Mei pulled you along with her and hid behind a pile of broken pieces from Redson's jet. Redson was stopped when Tang spoke up, "Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, yes?" He just wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to die during the travel.

"Of course they can!" He went to continue again, but this time Pigsy stopped him.


"Sure. Probably."


Everyone, aside from you and Sandy, yelled, but before they could protest, the portal opened and the drone moved throughout it in an incredible speed. Your friends tried their best to stand still, but it was difficult. You just stood like nothing was happening, only your hair just floating in the wind, "Why am I here again?" You questioned yourself, but like usual you couldn't remember.

Eventually, the drone made it to the Celestial Realm and thankfully nobody died during the trip. There was just some flames here and there... and on Sandy's hair as well. Redson cleared his throat as he stared at the group hugging each other, "I did say it'd melt your brains." He said as he pointed at Sandy's hair. You went past Redson to get a better look at the Celestial Realm, "Hm? Why does this place look familiar?" You asked, gazing at the beautiful building and sights.

"So some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?!" Pigsy shot Redson a look, waiting for him to answer. The said male was about to answer, but he realized that he doesn't actually know where to find them. Mei faked a dramatic gasp, "Red Boy doesn't know!" She mocked which angered Redson.

"I know they're somewhere! I'm a demon! It's not like I've been here before. Why don't you ask Y/N? They have been here before, hopefully they would remember though."

Upon hearing what Redson said, the group turned to look at you. Tang jumped in front of you and held your shoulders, "Y-Y-You have been here before?" He asked with excitement. You just stared at him with a deadpanned look, not knowing what he was talking about. Mk pushed Tang to take his place, "Y/N, we need your help! We need to find a peach, some pills, and a furnace. You have to remember because you're the only one who have been here before." He told you with a pleading look on his face.

"I will try..." You trailed off, trying to remember where those items could be. You had went into different places in the Celestial Realm, but you couldn't quite keep them in your mind. You hummed in thought as the others watched you in anticipation, "The Peaches of Immortality could be found in the Heavenly Orchard, I guess. The pills... Uh... They could be in Master Lao Tzu's lap. The furnace... The last time I recall seeing it was in the lap, but it surely will be moved to the Jade Emperor's throne room." You finished, noticing that everyone was looking at you with utter shock, even Redson didn't expect you to remember that.

Now that you told them about the places, the team was divided to get the needed stuff. Mk went already to get the furnace, Pigsy and Tang were going to bring the pills. Lastly, you and Redson will get the peach. Sandy will stay in the drone to fix while Mei will keep guard around in case anything happens.

With that, the journey had started to get items to defeat the Spider Queen once and for all.

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