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Madison took a deep breath in and exhaled as she tried to stop overthinking. She was super insecure about her body. Especially since she knew what the world was like.

It had changed. She was met with puberty. And she didn't like it. Not one single bit.

She gained a small bit of fat on some places of her body, her stomach and thighs. She did lose the baby fat on her cheeks though.

Her breasts had started growing, so did her bum. Madison despised it with the entire soul inside of her. Why, why was the most insecure parts of her body used just for mens pleasure. It gave her shivers and chills just thinking about the horrid acts of some men.

She just grabbed whatever bikini she saw first in her huge bag she brought with her. It was a white tied bikini with tiny blue and pink butterflies scattered around it.

Madison looked in the mirror and immediately covered her stomach with her hand. She started to bash herself thinking it was a smart idea bringing only bikinis.

In the corner of her eye sat a deep pink towel, grabbing it she wrapped it around her body. Atleast it'll cover her for the time being.

Maddison swung open the door and walked out to see Jere already at their meet spot.

She realised he had also changed aswell. His skin was more tan, he finally accomplished his dream of getting abs. His eyes had also became a lighter shade of blue. It made him stick out.

And his hair had grown. She loved the way it looked. If Mads could she would constantly play with his blonde hair.

"Hey, come on" a voice broke her out of her trance.

Madison looked forward to see Jeremiah was already ahead of her. She jogged over to him.

"Hey, did you know my mom is coming up on my birthday the 4th." she shook head in disbelief.

Mads hated the thoughts that she was going to see her mom at all. Especially on her birthday. How come someone that she needed her entire life just show up after eight nearly nine years and act like nothing ever happened.

Penelope left. On her own. No words. No warnings. Just straight up left. How could someone be so cruel to leave on their daughter's seventh birthday. It was crazy to think about.

"Really?" Jer replied in confusion also questioning why someone like Penelope would return.

"I really don't want her to come, but I have no choice"

"If she tries to talk to you or if you start to feel uncomfortable or anything just give me a sign and i'll come get you" he reassures while ruffling up her hair.

"Thank you and trust me I will" she says while swatting his hand away.

"Why doesn't your dad do anything about it?"

"Because he can't, he tried, but nobody can change my moms mind. I guess that's where I got it from" he hummed in response showing that he understands.

"I still can't believe that she's got a new husband plus she's pregnant!" Madison exclaims a tint of annoyance but also jealousy and sadness in her voice.

She wished she could experience having a mother figure. Teaching her things her dad couldn't. He trys his best and Mads loved him for that. But some things she had to do herself. All because Penelope decided to just leave her old life behind.

Even when she knew she had a daughter and a husband who loved her.

"Well, what about your dad? Is he dating anybody?"

"Nope" she spoke popping the P.

Madison smiled and her face lit up as they approached the beach. The sounds of waves crashing against the rocks, seagulls squeaking as they fly above searching for food. The wind hits their bodies and she feels relaxed.

"Wanna race?" Jeremiah asks looking down at her with determination that he was going to win.

"No, no I can't"

"Come on!"

"Your legs are too long now, I can't" she refuses.

She giggled before sprinting, startling him.


They threw their towels onto the crunchy sand that made a sound every time they took a step. Madison still being in the lead.

They start to splash each other as she shoved him into the water. She was dripping from head to toe in water from this action. At one point her grabbed her by the waist pulling her down into the salty liquid with him.

This moment she completely forgot about her insecurities. She was estatic to spend time with him. With everyone. This was a chapter in her story she'll never forget.

Madison cherised all of it. Every memory. Because, she didn't know what would happen in the future. She had to just believe and hope that it would never end. She just has to keep ahold of the faith.

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