2. Annoyance

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I stood in a large living room with Eliem and Mio, staring out the window as I waited for the little princess.


Not so little anymore seeing as it's been seven years since I was last in this Hexa forsaken kingdom.

When I made the agreement to protect the outside walls of this kingdom from the more... hostile creatures, I did not expect to find my chosen mate, and no other than Mizuku, the princess.

Obviously, it would have been inappropriate to claim her right there and then. I'm a little over two hundred years old (pretty young for a thorgon but that's not the point) and she was fourteen.

No way I was going to do that.

For the sake of my society and myself because I would rather die than fall in love with a little girl, so I decided to wait.

I made the arrangement with Mizuku's parents that I would return for her in seven years when she is fully grown and I must say, when I saw her outside as her mother spoke to her, she has grown.

As a man, I can't help but notice her curves, her little afro that are now long locks with tiny shells tied to them, her full lips... Again, as a man, you can't blame me.

I saw her face when her mother revealed this. She was not happy in the slightest, which means that was the first time this was even brought up. Quite cruel to keep your child in the dark like but oh well. What's done is done and I'm going home with my mate as promised.

Since Mizuku is the mate the gods have chosen for me, she does not count as an exchange for my protection. No, I still had to think of what I wanted from these people even though they are of no use to me. Wine is all I asked for so far, even if it's weak and can barely get my thorgons drunk.

It did not take that long for the princess to finish packing, or maybe time had passed while I was daydreaming about... work (work my ass).

I sense her walking down the stairs and I turn to look at her.

She was avoiding eye contact, that much was obvious. I could smell the discomfort and a hint of fear. I couldn't blame her though. There are probably scary rumors floating around the kingdom of my kind. Like how we eat children who stay out late in the night (we do not, thank you very much) and hunt the men who go patrolling, though that rumor stopped since we started patrolling.

"Alright then, let's get this show on the road." Mio says, clearly agitated to head back to Maylin. I sigh and nod, focusing on Mizuku once again. She was carrying a little bag on her back, most likely full of some clothes. Precious jewels would be no use out I'm the wild.

I eye the necklace around her neck before saying "Better not have packed anything precious. It's deemed useless out of your little safety bubble. Now... are you ready to go, or do you still have to say your goodbyes?" She shook her head.

I frown. Not because she was silent, that much I could understand, but because I knew for a fact that she hasn't spoken to her mother since the little encounter outside. Did they not have a good relationship?

I decide not to pry, so I nod, leaving the living room and on my way outside this suffocating palace.

The princess's little footsteps follow quickly. I could hear sniffling and smell the tell tale of tears. Well, that was expected, though I had no time for such things, nor was I experienced with comforting a lady.

Soon enough, we make it out of the palace grounds and are now walking through the town to the main gates.

People went quiet as we passed, staring at us in terror and Mizuku with pity, pulling their children close like we were going to snatch them up.
I'm sure Eliem would, purely out of boredom, but that wouldn't end well.
Silent goodbyes are said to the princess the closer we get to the gates, flowers thrown at her feet (weird tradition but who am I to judge). I mentally rolled my eyes and let out a soft huff, itching to turn into my thorgon from and get the hell out of here.

Finally, we make it to the gates, the gatekeeper wasting no time as he opens them and let's us out.

Crossing the stone bridge and passed the large wall, we're outside. Mio and Eliem waste no time in taking off their clothing and turning into their thorgon forms. I look at Mizuku when I hear a gasp and see that she's staring at them. More out of fear than anything else. It was understandable. Those who have never seen us turn would most likely find it disturbing.

I stare at her as she suddenly looks around, her head turning quickly like she was looking for something. "What is it?" I ask, curious but also annoyed. "Uhm... where is the carriage? How am I supposed to travel?" She asks, fiddling with the strap of her bag.

I must have been staring too long because she starts squirming. I couldn't help it, she's looks kind of stupid. "You're riding on my back, princess." I say, pulling off my shirt, which was a relief. They're itchy and uncomfortable.

Now it's her turn to stare. Do I want to think that she's staring at my (mildly attractive if I do say so myself) figure? Yes. Is it really a reasonable reason? Maybe. But I knew it was mostly because she thought she was going to take a carriage instead of ride a large wolf.

"Your... back?" She echos, looking dumbfounded. "But there is no saddle.
I blink. Should I be offended that she wants to use me like a horse? I am, just a little, but I laugh. "A saddle? Don't be ridiculous, princess. Just hold on to my fur and you'll be fine. I won't drop you." I say before I continue undressing, stuffing my clothing into my bag.

Mizuku had already turned around, clearly too embarrassed. She's clearly never seen male genitals before.

Ha, virgin.

I turn into my thorgon form and let out a huff of relief. I walk towards her and poke the small of her back with my snout, slightly amused when she jumps and let's out a little squeak. Elves were so easy to frighten I would almost pity them. Almost.

She turns, her eyes visibly widening when she sees me in my form. I roll my eyes and lower myself so she could easily slide on to my back.

I have no time for this. Night will fall soon and I want to be out of the forest before it gets too dark. I don't have a problem with the dark, I can see perfectly. It's the stronger creatures that I'm wary of, and this part of the forest was a little more dangerous than others.

Sliding on to my back, Mizuku holds on to the furs by neck. She was practically vibrating as her body shook in fear.

Not my main concern right now.

After making sure she was secure on my back, I walk into the forest, Mio and Eliem following close. I swiftly go into a jog. I would normally just start running straight away but seeing that the princess is somewhat of a coward, I'll ease into it this time.
Soon enough, I'm running at a fast pace, Mizuku's face buried in my fur and wetting it with her tears.

It's going to take a lot to toughen her up...

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