7. Involuntary Feelings

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I thoroughly enjoyed my time staying in the village with the Thorgons. More than I should have to say the least.

From the moment I arrived, they welcomed me with open arms and treated me with kindness and respect.

I did not feel like I was a burden or that I was unwanted...

The Thorgons, with their awe-inspiring wolf-like transformations, fascinated me. Each day, I would marvel at their incredible abilities and marvel at the bond they shared as a pack.
Like they were one big family.

However... As much as I appreciated their hospitality, I couldn't fully embrace my place in their community. Deep down, my heart still belonged to Ned, the man I had loved for as long as I could remember. I yearned for the day when I could marry him and stand by his side as we ruled his kingdom together.

The thought of leaving behind the Thorgons and the life I had grown accustomed to both excited and terrified me.

Amidst my conflicting emotions, there was one person who stood out among the Thorgons.

Elijah Meethia, the alpha of the pack. My... Bonded mate.

There was something about him that drew me in, something magnetic and irresistible.

Each interaction with him left me breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. But I was afraid to explore these feelings, afraid of what they could mean and the consequences they could bring.

Days turned into weeks, and my connection with Elijah only grew stronger. His presence consumed my thoughts, and I found myself craving his company. Yet, I couldn't shake off my love for Ned. It was a constant tug-of-war within my heart, tearing me apart.

The more time I spent with Elijah, the more I discovered about him.

He was not just a powerful alpha, or just some ruthless animal (he's still a mutt), but also a compassionate and understanding individual.

He listened to my fears and insecurities, offering comfort and guidance in his own rough way.

His support made me question my loyalty to Ned and made me wonder if there could be a future for us.

But the thought of betraying Ned haunted me. He had been my rock, my confidant, and my soulmate. Leaving him behind felt like a betrayal of everything we had built together.

I couldn't bear the thought of hurting him, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness with this pack... With Elijah.

So I packed, stuffing dried foods and leather water bottles into my bag. This was the one day I had to escape.

All the Thorgons wouldn't be here all night, they would leave in a few minutes to go on their monthly hunt, and since I'm not officially a part of the pack yet, I didn't have to go with them.

It left an involuntary sting in my chest, but I shook it off. There was no time.

Once I finished packing, I pushed the bag under my bed before calming my breathing so that no one got skeptical before leaving my room and walking out the house, only to bump into Elijah.

I gasp as I look up at him, momentarily surprised that he was there.

"You should watch where you're going, princess," he says, giving me a sly smirk as he helped me balance myself, holding my waist a few seconds too long before finally letting go.

"I was... You were just too close to the door that I didn't have time to stop myself from bumping in to you," I say, glaring at him, though it held no malice.

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