1. The End

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You would think that being a princess was nice. A luxury, with limitless food and jewels at your disposal. With all the balls and celebrations, large festivals on the streets at the end of every season.

That's a luxury.

But what is luxury when no cares about whether you're happy or not, doesn't bat an eye when you walk by, seen as a disappointment by your own mother?

Yeah. A luxury.

I may have some freedom, not having any duties, but that's the problem.
I don't have any duties.
Nothing to show that I'm actually useful in this world.

Why? My magic is weak.

That's why. It's been like that ever since I was born. I can barely lift a box of cookies or summon a slight breeze.

I'm completely useless.

I could fight, use a sword and all sorts of weapons because I'd asked the general to train me, but what was the point when I'm kept in the palace, away from danger.

It's like I was a mistake.
Mother definitely sees me as one.
She hasn't even declared me heir to the throne. It's my little brother, Zion.

I love my little brother, but I couldn't be any more jealous. His magic is powerful and he's loved by all.


While I'm locked away like a dirty little secret. Ignored.

I'm sure the people just see me as a pretty face.
Not that they see me at all if there are no balls or celebrations.

Even then, I stay seated on the podium with mother, forbidden from mingling whatsoever, unless Zion is there, which he barely is. He usually convinces mother to let me go about as long as he's with me. Zion goes out almost every day, to either meetings with royals from other kingdoms or making an appearance to the town folk if he was home.

It's frustrating.

I can't even hate Zion because he loves me even with my weak, practically non-existent elven magic.

And then there's Ned, my fiance.

I grew up with Ned, so I knew him through thick and thin. He knew me too, so it was easy to fall in love with each other when we became engaged.

Marrying Ned to join our kingdoms together might be the only thing I'm good for, but that was okay. As long as it's Ned, the elf I love.

But even though I'm loved by the two most important people in my life, I still feel something missing. I don't feel complete, and my nonexistent magic may just be the reason.


Today, I'm meant to accompany Zion in the festival, so as I'm prepared into a simple summer dress with a few ruby jewels and my hair tied into a bun, gold pins keeping it in place, I think of the little freedom I'll be able to have, since mother will not be with us. Zion is only one year and a summer younger than me, so it's easy for us to relate to each other.

Not long after, I'm in the carriage and off to meet up with my favorite person.
As houses and people blur past, I think of all the things Zion and I will be able to do with the absence of mother. We haven't had quality time together in what felt like centuries.

Once I'm finally at my destination and my guard has helped me out of the carriage, I look around and take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air and the smell of festival food the town has to offer. I haven't been out of that Hexa forsaken palace in so long, it was starting to feel cramped.
Walking down the pathway that leads to the main fountain, I meet up with my dear brother and his guards. "Sister, you look well." Zion says, smiling gleefully at me after we hug in greeting. "I always look well, brother, but I can't say the same for you. You have eye bags." I reply, smiling back. We join arms and pass a few stalls, smelling the different spices and foods. Zion laughs a bit at my comment. "Yes, I've been rather busy the past two weeks. I'm glad I get to rest for a while." We stop by a stall and Zion purchases two muffins for us. I thank him and take mine, taking a bite into it a humming in approval.

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