3. Fresh start

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How did my life change so drastically?

One moment, I was walking through the festival with my brother by my side, eating treats and catching up with each other, then the next moment, I'm in my room crying my eyes out as I pack a few things that I thought I'd need in the fucking wild.

My life has practically been thrown away.

I suspected that maybe mother would throw me away to Ned, my supposed to be husband, but a thorgon? And the thorgin no less.

Why let me be engaged with Ned?
Why let me have an engagement party?
Why let me make arrangements to go to The southern capital city with Ned for our honeymoon?

She let all of this happen even when she knew she promised my life to another?

That's just cruel and...


But then again, this is my mother, so why even bother being surprised? She's been like that ever since father died. I haven't seen her smile in eight years.

Even before father became ill, it was rare to see her relax. At this point, if she ever did crack a smile, it would put the whole queendom into chaos make and everyone think a curse had fallen upon them or something.

But, I guess... this isn't so bad?
Instead of being locked up in the palace I could maybe find a place for myself in the thorgon society.

I know that it's rare for thorgons to possess magic so maybe I wouldn't be seen as a completely useless person. I would have to find a way to earn my place because I know they do not trust us elves and fairies because we own weapons where the metal is toxic to them like poison, though the only reason we have it is because it's toxic to every other monster that is not elf or fairy. We- well... they can't always rely on their magic because of creatures that were immune to it, like ogres.


I wish I had a horse with me. I don't think I'll be able to hold on to this giant dog any longer. Without a saddle, my thighs have been hurting like a forest witch with sun burn (which is impossible). It's been two hours of travelling now and my hands have become num and achy at the same time from holding on to the thorgon's fur. We could stop for a short five minute break, but we're deep in the Sunken and since the thorgons don't need light to see in the dark, it's pitch black, so it's dangerous. More vicious and deadly creatures come out at night and stopping for a break is not something that I want to risk.

The thorgon, Elijah I think his name was, would vibrate his body every now and then, like purring. Though I don't think thorgons can purr. Rough growling would also be made, and then I'd hear growling from my left or right side. I'd come to the conclusion that the thorgons were communicating with each other because it's the only explanation that I have.
As much as I did not want to admit it, Elijah's warmth was comforting, especially while running through the Sunken. It was never warm in the damned forest, even in the beginning of summer. It would be even worse with the rains that were on their way now, but I'll be long out of this cursed place, and being out of said cursed place came sooner than later because the trees were becoming less. I could see the few stars littered across the sky, a site I can't really appreciate right now because my body aches and I'm scared falling off a dog.

A few minutes after we left the forest of death, Elijah started to (finally) slow down until he gradually came to a stop. He lowers his body, probably indicating for me to get off him so I do. My legs had become jello so I stumble a bit before finding my footing. I stretch out my limbs and wiggle my fingers, happy I don't have to hold on to the thorgon anymore.

By now, he'd already changed to his elf form and put on his pants for my sake. Others he had come with did not bother. They just walked side by side.

I turn to see where they were headed off to and my jaw practically disappears. Wooden houses have been built next to and on top of each other with the support of large trees as thick as the wall around Seretha, reaching so high I have to crane me neck. I did not know what to expect from thorgon society but it was definitely not something so... homey. With the moss growing everywhere and lanterns that gave off warm glows, it gave a cozy feeling compared to the cold walls and tiled floors of the palace.

Barely a minute passes when children and adults like stop what they were doing and stare at... me. An anomaly of course. I was used to the stairs but the looks these people were giving me had no negativity. I was used to the stares of pity or shame or not looked at at all, sometimes even avoided like I was a bad omen. The thorgons all looked simply curious of the stranger who had showed up on their thorgin's back. That is something I'm not used to.

"Welcome to Maylin, Mizuku. Your home." Elijah says, who's been staring at me the entire time, curiosity in his eyes as well as a ghost of a smile. I glance at him, unsure of what I'm supposed to do before looking back at the crowd that had started to form.

After hearing Elijah's words, it seemed the thorgons came to a realization of some sort because their gazes did not hold curiosity anymore. They instead look at me with sincere kindness and welcoming smiles that actually looked real. Did they know about my arrival? Am I the only one who has been blind to the information that Elijah had literally claimed my life when I was fourteen years old?

A woman who looks around my age comes out of the crowd and walks towards me, a smile on her face. "Welcome, Mizuku. I am Melia, Elijah's older sister. We've been waiting for you." She says, holding my hands in hers, rubbing my palms with her thumbs like she was looking for something. My hands were as soft as a kitten's paw pads whereas hers were rough, showing how hard working she is.

"Hello," I finally say, clearing my parched throat. "It's nice to meet you." I barely get to say the last word out when I'm grabbed by the waste and turned to a different direction, gently being pushed forward to walk so I do. Instincts tell me that it's Elijah. I turn my head to look at who had stolen me away from the crowd and true enough, it's Elijah. I glare at him and he smiles. Sighing, I continue walking as he guides me passed the houses.

I really hope that I did not give a bad impression to the thorgons, seeing as this is my new life.

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