5. Internal Conflict

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It seemed like I blinked for just a second but it has already been a week. And I'm upset. Why do I feel upset? Because I feel at peace, as if I belonged here.

Elijah's sister, Melia, has kept me busy at work. From teaching me how to look after crops to learning how to fish and make traps for small animals, looking after children and helping around the community.

I've never felt so alive because even if I go back to Elijah's house with an aching back every night, it's proof that I had put myself to use that day. I'm not sitting around and looking pretty. I'm earning my stay. This is exactly what I wanted. And despite being a fairy, the thorgons look at me as if I were their own. They greet me and their smiles are real, not forced or filled with pity.

Aside from Zion and Ned, no one has ever treated me with genuine kindness before and I... it's something I need to get used to. I can't look like a lai caught by hunters every time.

After another day of hard work, I walk back to Elijah's house, humming to myself as I enjoy the soft breeze.

Crossing bridges and ducking under large roots, the sun had almost disappeared when I finally made it to the house.

Walking in and leaving my leather boots by the door, I go the kitchen and place the basket of the fresh vegetables I had collected today on the counter. Though summer was starting to creep up, it was still chilly enough to make a nice soup, so that is what I will prepare.

Lucky for me, the royal chef taught me how to cook many dishes since I had nothing else to do, my magic weak and useless. But right now, I was grateful for those cooking skills or else I might've starved two days ago.

Elijah had gone on a hunt with some of his pack a day after we arrived and he was meant to be back today.

It was going to be awkward, that was for sure. With him gone, I might have gotten used to this new... home, but I was not used to him, and he was rather intimidating. A mysterious one.

I hate him.

Him and mother.

I tear up as rethink of this repulsive agreement.
I knew mother was cold hearted, but this? Practically SELLING her daughter's life away to a... A beast! A beast that is just as heartless as her! How dare he look at me and decide to take my own life away against my will.

What an animal. No pun intended seeing as he can turn into a literal giant wolf.

I sigh heavily, wiping away the few tears that managed to escape while blinking away the rest. I had to be strong. I'm on my own in this and there's no Zion or Ned to protect me now. I'll just have to find my way back to Seretha, but I won't go back to the palace. I know mother will just bring me back here, to Elijah. I will have to ride passed Seretha and go to Quore, Ned's kingdom. His family and I are close, they're sure to understand my situation and why I had run to them.

It would be a long journey, there's no doubt about it, and not to mention the much more... deadlier beasts that roam the woods, so sneaking out at night would not be an option. I'd have to leave when the sun is rising so I'd at least arrive to Seretha later in the morning. Once there, I'd probably have to refill on food and water then immediately leave so that I'd be at Quore just before the sun set.


"-alright, I'll see you tomorrow." I hear, the voice all too familiar even from the short amount of time hearing it.

Elijah is back.

Not long after, the front door opens and I watch as he walks in. He was a mess. He looked as if he were a child who had just come back from playing outside, hair in all directions with leaves and mud caking that as well as the rest of his body. He was shirtless, which is not a surprise, but I didn't know what to expect.

Did I expect to see a body that looked like a Greek God's statue? No.

Did I expect to see large pecs that could and most definitely would crush me? A little bit, he's huge.

Did I expect to see washing board abs, slim waist, just a bit of his v line, those biceps bulging as if his skin was struggling to contain them? Veins visible to the world's eye? No.

I hadn't seen him naked when he undressed to change into his wolf form, I'm still glad I did, I don't want a mental scarring so soon.

But I see him now, and if I another person, I might've drooled just a bit.

"Enjoying the view, princess?" Elijah asked, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I look up at him, only to find the bastard smirking at me, looking smug.

My cheeks warm as I avert my gaze, my hands wringing the hem of my shirt. "Welcome back." I say softly, though I'm sure he heard me clearly with that super hearing of his.

"Did you make dinner?" He asks, closing the door and moving towards the kitchen.
"Yes, I made soup. You should go and wash up first before eating so mud doesn't get anywhere." I say, nodding my head towards the trail of dried mud behind him.

He takes a look and frowns. He doesn't say anything else as he nods and heads to the bathroom.

Grabbing a broom, I sweep the dirt out the door before getting a bowl and pouring in some soup for him.

I feel as if something was going on with me. Just two hours ago, while I was cooking, I was thinking of how much I hated Elijah, but now that he's here and I see him, I feel... Something. A strange warmth, and I can't seem to think of anything wrong about him, or anything at all from how hazy I feel, lost in my own as think how he could-...

"Alright, I'm clean now." Elijah walks into the room, wearing a clean pair of pants -still shirtless-.

He came in at the right time. What was just thinking? About to think? I need to get my shit together!

Clueless to my internal conflict, Elijah sits by the table. I place his bowl with a spoon in front of him.

"I already ate so I'm going to clean up." I say, going back to the kitchen to do exactly that.
"No, don't. You already cooked, so I'll clean." He interjects,staring at me with those damn eyes. Have they always been that green?

"You went hunting and I'm sure you're tired. There's not a lot to clean any way." I argue, looking away from him. "I've gone hunting for much longer than two days, I'm fine. Now go to bed."

I sigh in frustration. Handsome but still annoying. "Fine," I throw the cloth on to the counter, going to my room after bidding him goodnight.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and sighing heavily. Elijah, he's doing something to me. I didn't know what it was but I knew it was hindering me from planning my escape some how. My mind... Now that Elijah is back, I just can't stop thinking of him.

I might need to plan my escape sooner than expected.

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