Chapter 1: interest

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Percilla Weasley knew she was different than the rest of her family. It was glaringly obvious. Being one of only two girls from the Weasley clan, she was outnumbered. Being the only gray witch out of her six siblings made her alone. Percilla knew she was different when she was seven, and Fred thought it was funny to cut her braid off. A prank, they said, but it made her so mad. She didn't expect was for her magic to burst out of her and throw both her annoying twin brothers across the room and into the far wall. It scared her parents, the wholesome of the light—they owled Dumbledore that night.

Percilla could still remember the old wizard's smile as he looked down at her and patted her head a little too hard while informing her that she was fine. 'Accidental magic is always worrisome.' his voice boomed with a laugh, 'but we must keep one's emotions steady, for anger is the ruler of all destruction.'

That statement didn't do anything but make Percilla mad. Her brothers had cut her braid, and she was supposed to be okay with that. Her parents might have been enamored with the 'great' Albus Dumbledore, but Percilla wasn't. Her mother sent her to her bedroom, which she shared with baby Ginny. A selfish part of Percilla wondered if maybe she scared her mother enough so that she wouldn't have to wake up with Ginny at night. Her mother always praised how well-mannered and helpful Percy was, but Percilla knew it was required of her regardless as the third oldest.

"Hey, Perc," a whisper came as she passed her older brother's door. Sure enough, Bill and Charlie were standing there looking sheepish. They, too, had duties in the house according to their parents. Charlie was to look after the twins, while Bill was supposed to look after all of them. Percilla always found it funny that their parents wanted too many children but never required the help of the older children to watch the younger ones. "I'm sorry, I should have been watching the twins better. It's my fault they cut your hair." Bill's voice came out weak as he looked towards her with hope in his eyes that she would forgive his indiscretions.

Percilla didn't hold any ill will towards her brother, knowing he was young, just shy of his twelfth birthday.

"So I thought maybe as an apology you would like this?" Bill said as he held out a book from behind his back.

"The Eloquent and Enthralling book of Hair Magic by Arantxa Bagtree." Percilla was amazed as her small hands touched the evergreen-bound book. "How did you get this?" It was no secret the Weasley family was poor. They were bottom-of-the-barrel poor. Percilla was wise for her age. She saw the looks that other high-born witches and wizards gave their families. She would always window shop and watch girls twirl and twiddle around in dresses and robes made of fine silk and lace. She wanted the same, instead of having to wear Bill and Charlie's hand-me-downs.

"I nicked it from the school's library," Bill whispered, shrugging his shoulders at his two wide-eyed siblings. "You can return it when you start Hogwarts Perc. I don't know why but you like to read these things."

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