Chapter 19: Bill

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Bill Weasley was mad. No, he was furious. He had gotten the letter earlier that morning during breakfast about his sisters. Apparently, Hogwarts had some unnamed creature merking about petrifying students, but it had taken Ginny and Perci and dragged them to their lair. Bill thought someone was playing a ruse on him. The idea was that a school like Hogwarts was housing a creature capable of doing these things to students. Someone from the school still needed to contact him. The letter that had been sent to him was from a student. It was addressed to Lord Weasley. While Bill was still getting used to the title, the idea that it carried any weight in protecting his family, he would take it.

Bill apparated into Hogsmead, knowing he would not be able to inside the Hogwarts grounds due to the wards. 'Safest place in Wizarding England, my arse," Bill thought as he rushed towards the Hogwarts path.

"Lord Weasley," a voice that Bill had become regular with called his name from behind. Turning around, Bill saw Lord Flint making his way up the path, his pristine black cloak flowing behind him as he walked.

They had had regular owl contact ever since meeting Lord Flint Erebus Flint at the meeting. They had spent a good deal at Gringotts with the goblins going over the bonding contract between their families. Bill was used to only some of the pureblood affairs. The Weasley name had been drug in the mud with their family's ideologies for the light and Dumbledore.

"Lord Flint," Bill greeted back as he bowed his head, "did you also get a letter about this morning's incident." Bill could feel the bite in his words as he thought more about how the adult staff in the school had not contacted him regarding his family's situation.

"I did indeed." The two began to walk together as they headed up the path and onto the grounds of Hogwarts. While it was the afternoon, the courtyard was empty, and the school's silence was eerie. The school kept the children safe after allowing his sisters to be taken. "You are projecting your feelings," Lord Flint drawled as he looked at the younger male. "Keep calm."

Bill felt like he was chastised by a father a bit when Lord Flint gave him those looks. Bill sometimes wished Aurthur would have taught them social protocol and magical control when they were younger. Bill was generally a cool-tempered man. He had worked on a job site with about eight other men in the hot Egypt sun. Bill would have to have a cool head about him. However, he was too controlling. He wanted answers, now before later, to know precisely what would happen and why. Bill was sure that was a product of his raising. The constant unknowing change, no routine, and no structure left Bill with a controlling problem.

Taking a deep breath, Bill gave Erebus a nod before they opened the doors of Hogwarts and walked in. Bill was not sure where they were supposed to go, but it would seem his accomplice did. Bill followed after as they walked towards the great hall. All the staff argued in the middle of the grand entrance.

"It would seem that the Hogwarts staff has neglected to inform Lord Weasley nor me about the dangers our Wards and Heirs are in?" Lord Flint relayed, his voice was calm and harsh as he raised a single black eyebrow making his face sharper.

"I do not understand where you heard such a thing from," Professor McGonagall's voice was shrill as she stood up straighter trying to convey the sense of being in charge.

"It does not matter how we heard it. Is it true? You have a creature running around the school petrifying students, and they have kidnapped both Ginerva and Percilla Weasley?"

The way the staff looked at one another told the two all that was needed. Bill could feel his anger build as he looked around at the ones in charge of keeping his siblings safe. "Where are my sisters?" He asked, trying to keep his voice calm like Erebus.

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