Chapter 2: First gift

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The beginning of the courses wasn't too tricky. Percilla made her way through classes quickly enough. The only hiccup was the all too obnoxious Professor Gildroy Lockhart. Percilla's mother was obsessed with the man, owning several of his works, and talked about him like she was talking about a long-known friend. Percilla just thought he was a hack. The defense was filled with no actual work, just him sitting there talking about how great his work was while he had minor-aged children to fawn over him. It was creepy. Today was his first tutoring session with Marcus. She had sent a school owl to him after the first week when she got her times table and tutoring schedule worked out. Luckily the free hour she had was before quidditch.

Percilla sat at her table as she opened her transfiguration book and notes. Percilla began working on her essay that Professor McGonagall assigned to them earlier. Percilla was almost finished with her writing, and Marcus was already 15 minutes late when he showed up. Setting himself down in the seat in front of her, he laid his textbook down.

"You're late," Percilla stated as she continued to write, not sparing the Slytherin a look.

"Yeah," came the gruff voice as he gathered his supplies.

"Oh well," Percila stated in the same tone he used, "it's your money. You still owe me the exact amount regardless if you show up or not." Raising her head, her eyes met his.

"Is that so?" Flint asked, raising a dark eyebrow at her.

"Yep," Percilla stated, not fazed by the burley boy.

"Well then, I guess I should get my money's worth."


Percilla's weeks continued like normal. She worked diligently on her coursework and took all the extra steps that the professors didn't ask for but was expected. She continued her tutoring sessions Monday with Ravenclaws, Thursdays with Hufflepuffs, Saturday with Slytherins, and Sunday with Gryffindors. Wednesday was her free day, but she had slid Flint in. Percilla wasn't sure when it began, but she was starting to look forward to Wednesday's sessions. After the first day, Marcus stuck to his word and was surprisingly there before her. Percilla found the Slytherin to be funny? During their sessions, Flint would throw out a joke or two, which would have her laughing before pulling his attention back. It wasn't until a month into their sessions that Flint had asked her a personal question.

"Why do you do all the tutoring sessions?"

This caught Percilla off guard as she looked up from her Accident Ruines text, "Oh," She bit her lip, a habit Percilla picked up from when she was a child. "for the money, I guess." She didn't know what this bought of honesty was coming from as she shrugged her shoulders. "My family is. Not well off as people know." It was an understatement, but that information didn't seem to phase Marcus. "My brother, Bill, introduced me to the olde ways when I was a child, and I enjoyed them. Books are not a necessity, according to my mother. Especially not books about the olde ways and mother magic. So to get what I want, I have to work for it."

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