Chapter 17: Deal

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Percilla felt floaty. Her whole body was crying out in pain. What spell had she been hit with? Her brain was trying to tell her, but it was like she couldn't understand what was being said.

"Perci," a whisper came from beside her. It was a female voice. Percilla tried to command her body to open its eyes, but she couldn't. Her head rolled to the side as a groan passed by her lips. Percilla felt like she was mentally fighting her body to work. "Perci, I'm sorry. I didn't want to."

Percilla's eyes cracked open, but she couldn't focus as her eyes swam back to black before she could blink a few more times. It was dizzying as she cracked her eyes open some. The walls were dark stone with only yellow candlelight reflecting some form of light. Percilla's eyes were heavy, but she moved them around, trying to figure out what was going on even though she could not move her body. As she blinked, the more her eyes focused but would blur after too long. Was she in the dungeons?

"Perci?" The whisper called again. Percilla knew that voice, but it was hard to recognize it. "Why couldn't you stop? Why do you always have to get in the way?" The whisper began to get harsher as the voice grew angry. "Perfect, Perci. You should have stayed away, you ugly thing."

Percilla closed her eyes as the pain between them grew. She knew that voice. The resentment was strong, but it was clear within. Percilla wanted to move her head and see who had done this to her. However, her whole body was paralyzed by the spell Percilla couldn't even remember.

Panic began to set in as she screamed inside her head to move. She could feel the tears flood down the corners of her eyes, sliding down to a puddle in her ears. "Ginny," She silently screamed before she passed out once more.


"Let me in, you stupid cow," Marcus gritted out as he slammed his hand on the wall beside the Gryffindor portrait. The Fat Lady was standing here, her gown just as pink and ugly as she was, arguing with him.

"No password, no entrance!"

"Tell me if she is in there, or I will rip your portrait down bit by bit and burn it down," Marcus growled, feeling the anger within himself begin to topple over. It was something his father was never able to correct with him. Marcus was the Heir that any Pureblood Lord would want, cunning, intelligent, loyal, and determined. However, he let his anger get the better of him at times which had him busting down a wall instead of figuring out how to get through. The patience, compassion, and understanding that Marcus lacked, Percilla had.

Percilla, who had not shown up that morning. Marcus had waited by the same passageway he always did when he waited for his betrothed. Anxiety and anger increased with every group of Gryffindors that had walked out of the portrait that did not have Percilla in it. After an hour of waiting, Marcus was ready to smash his way in. He had taken another look at the watch that Percilla had given him. Her smiling face looked at him with such adoration, but her clock hand still stayed at 'School.'

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