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some of the angels in heaven who worked closely with Xavier had become confused at his absence. it was mostly strange because Xavier was Latissimus's right hand angel. they were always together. an angel named Ren decided to finally ask Latissimus, putting the debacle to rest.

"Latissimus, we all haven't seen Xavier in quite some time. do you have any idea of where he may be? I came to ask you because the both of you were always so close."

Latissimus was annoyed by the intrusion, but he kept a friendly demeanor nonetheless.

"I couldn't be more confused about it myself," replied Latissimus. of course, this was a lie. "one day Xavier told me he had some private business in the Underworld that he had to take care of."

Ren's eyes flew open. "the Underworld? what is he doing down there?? doesn't he know it's not safe for us!?" he slammed his hand on Latissimus's desk in irritation.

Latissimus held his hand and spoke calmly. "I understand your anger, I really do. I warned him that it was dangerous and he could become easily corrupted by the hotbed of sin that brews in its inhabitants. however, he went anyway. I've taken the chance to go look for him, but I haven't had any luck..." at this, Latissimus feigned being sad and distraught. unbeknownst to Ren, Latissimus was quite a good actor.

"leave him there," said Ren in resignation. "if that's where he wants to conduct his 'private business,' then that's his prerogative. he doesn't need to come back here to spread anything to us." he left Latissimus's chambers, fuming. perhaps, if he were a cartoon character, there'd be smoke puffing from his nostrils. this anger was mixed with a heaping of disbelief. how could Xavier preach to the rest of them that the Underworld is a dangerous place for angels and that they should never go there when he up and went himself for some business? it truly was disgraceful.

"Ren, Ren! did you get any useful information from Latissimus?" asked another angel.

"I did. apparently, Xavier went down to the Underworld for private affairs."

"what?" chimed in another angel. "what private affairs could Xavier possibly have in the Underworld? he said himself he'd never go there even if it was just for a moment!"

Ren and all the angels who had closely worked with Xavier gossiped about what he may be doing down there.

"Has Latissimus found him?" asked one.

"no," replied Ren. "Latissimus hasn't had any luck. what a joke."

Ren couldn't help but feel betrayed. angels never strayed away from their holy path for such selfish indulgences, especially not in the Underworld. it was because of Xavier that Ren was holding this position in the first place. he was the one who had encouraged Latissimus to take Ren under his wing and add him to his team. he'd learned everything he knew about being an angel from Xavier. this was when he realized that maybe it was time to cut the umbilical cord with Xavier and take some responsibility of his own to lead the other angels down the right path. he wouldn't turn into a demon sympathizer, thus tarnishing his good name.

"well, what do we do without Xavier now that he's with the demons, Ren?"

"simple. we'll forge a new patch to fill the hole he's left behind..." he sighed. "there's no use dwelling on it. well. let's get back to work and fulfill those prayers."


Latissimus would've laughed at how gullible Ren was if it weren't so sad. he peeked at the angels outside his chambers, flapping their white-feathered wings, working diligently.

"too trusting. all of you. this is getting boring."

just why was it so easy to trick so many people? first, he had Xavier be his mule; the boy followed his instructions with zero hesitation. second, Lykos thought that he'd become Latissimus's favorite, also blindly doing what he tells him. finally, Ren and the other angels turned on their closest "friend" by convincing them that Xavier went rogue. such a shame.

most angels born were nothing but righteous and kind, albeit a tad bit judgemental towards those who don't fit their preconceived notion of "good." most demons were allowed to run free and wild as children, however it didn't necessarily mean they were evil; just that they were less disciplined in some regards than the angels. the two groups have always butted heads since the beginning of time. God / Yggdra (eeg•dra) of the heavenly realm and Beelze of the Underworld had always had it out for each other, so no wonder their underlings didn't like each other as well. wars were fought for centuries between them, solidifying the generations of disdain and hatred for each other. it clearly wasn't improving anytime soon.

now, one could say that Latissimus was an interesting mix of both. however, he was so good at pretending - pretending that he was righteous like the angels, pretending that he was wild and carefree and not too hung up on inhibitions like the demons. the truth was, he couldn't care any less for either of them. a sociopath, through and through. this "game" so to speak he was playing with both sides was simply something for him to pass the time and relieve his boredom. he was observing everyone like lab rats trapped in a maze.

and it was their job to find a way out.

that demon magistrate Godbrand was on to him, though. he'd have to make extra sure that he can evade his scrutiny, just as Godbrand is attempting to evade his. it was interesting how he and Oriana were able to lessen Xavier's sentence and put him to work as a maid in their home; quite entertaining. the corners of Latissimus's mouth curled up into a smirk.

in Yggdra's creation of the angels, this one was able to slip past the quality control. when one gave some thought to it, it wasn't hard to deduce the fact that the reason this happened was because he was trying to match the production rate that Beelze was creating his demons at. as a result, there were tiny slip-ups on Yggdra's part... like forgetting to instill the values of righteousness and empathy into Latissimus, for instance.

Latissimus wouldn't have it any other way though.

done with observing the mindless, droning work of the angels below, he made his way to his secret portal, heading to the Underworld to pay Lykos a visit and collect his money.

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