Bentley James Groves

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NAME; Bentley James Groves

Age; 16

Height; 5'7

Hair; Light Brown

Eyes; Blue

Birthday; June 12th

Zodiac; Gemini

Personality; Outgoing & Bubbly, Loves being around people and enjoys being the center of attention. Really likes to get his way.

Piercings; One Ear

Tattoos; None

Birth-Mark; On his back his shoulder bit of a blob shaped one.

Scars; Arm from surgery because he broke his arm during dirt biking.

Fears; Being Poor, Being Left Behind, Death, Darkness.

Likes; Dirt Bike Riding, Four Wheeling, Hanging with his buddies, Letting loose and having a good time, Parties, Girls, Drinking.

Dis-Likes; Working for his dad, Learning in school, Boredom, Darkness, Death, Hospitals, Scorpions & Snakes.

Song Of The Moment;

Emoji's Of The Moment;


Colors Of The Moment;

♥️- His favorite Lingerie color

🧡- The color of 🦊

💙- Color of the sky on a clear day

🖤- Favorite clothing color

Pets; None, Wants a fox, but his family won't let him get one.

Siblings; One Older Brother.

Parents; Walter & Katie Groves.

Background; Currently in private school in high school, He's the wild child who doesn't like to listen to his parents rules and really doesn't wanna grow up and be like his brother and father, but hasn't told them because he is worried they might be upset. Hes always been a popular kid and in with the ladies he likes to be the life of the party and has them at his parents cabin almost every single weekend without them knowing because they are always busy.

Family Life;

Similar to his brother, grown up in a wealthy family and is learning under both his father and brother. Has always been in private school, has lots of family on both ends, doesn't always see eye to eye with his brother and they bicker a lot. Considers his uncle on his dad's side to be the coolest person in the family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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