Alistair Daniel Groves

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Name; Alistair Daniel Groves

Age; 20

Height; 6'2

Hair; Dark Brown

Eyes; Brown

Birthday; Oct 10th

Zodiac; Libra

Personality; Comes off a little cold toward people he doesn't know. He's usually calm and relaxed around those he trusts. Brutally honest, Generous to those in need, Kind to his family and loved ones. A bit stubborn headed and loud when he is mad.

Piercings; None

Tattoos; A few, You'll see later in the story.

Birth-Mark; On his wrist an imperfect circle shape.

Scars; One on his back from a minor spinal surgery from an accident he was in. One on his brow from someone hitting him with a pointed stick as a kid.

Fears; Not living up to his father's expectations, Letting his family down, Fires.

Likes; Succeeding, Cooking, Music, Long Drives, The Country Side, Earning Money, Making his family proud, Halloween.

Dis-Likes; Failure/Failing, Fires, Losing, Scammers, Cramped Spaces, Elevators.

Song Of The Moment;

Emoji's Of The Moment;


Colors Of The Moment;

💚- The color of his favorite amphibian, Frogs 🐸

🧡 🖤- The colors of Halloween 🎃

♥️- The Color Of Passion

🖤 🤍- The color of panda 🐼

Pets; Has a dog named Buddy, He has had said dog since he was a young teen. The dog his considered his best friend and his safety outlet. He is a 🐕 person.

Siblings; One younger brother whom he usually butts heads with unless it's about business.

Parents; Father Walter Groves; Owns a bunch of companies. & Mother Katie Groves; Wedding Planner, but indulges in charities and events.


Grew up in upper class with his parents and little brother. Never had an issue with things he wanted or needed, his father did make them work for there wants through chores to help teach them about money and how to save and spend for a good future and about stocks. He had a pretty normal childhood, he went to a private school and played a few sports, He got a pet dog as a young teen whom he still has and is very attatched to. He graduated from a really good college and he is learning under his father's wing to take over the company when he is older. He had a serious relationship that left him scarred and hasn't really tried dating since that happened a little to nervous despite his parents trying to nudge him back into it wanting him to have a good future because they know he wants a family as he's talked about it. Was a top of the class student and graduated with honors in all grades.

Family Life;
Has wealthy parents, a younger brother and a dog. Has extensive family on both sides because his family tends to have a lot of kids. He was raised in a semi-strict family where he learned how to respect others and follow rules and respect himself as well as how to run a business. His mother made damn sure he knew he could feel things and enjoy life and be emotional and vunerable. He was never expected to hide himself or how he feels about things and people in life.

:Thanks for reading my book so far, I really hope you are all enjoying it. You'll find out about his tattoos and accident in the book so please keep reading. You'll also meet the rest of his family and Isabella's once we get deeper into things. Remember YOU are awesome!:

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