Pack Meeting

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Stiles pulled up to the Hale house and sat in his car for a few minutes contemplating if he should even go in or not but not until he heard his name yelled. "Stiles!! " He heard Derek yell standing in the doorway of the house. "Get in here! We're waiting for you! " Stiles got out and slammed his door going in. He took a breath sitting on the floor waiting on Derek to talk. But the pack was looking at him. "Do you have the research I asked you to do last night?" Derek asked, he looked like he was about to punch Stiles in the face if he didn't have the research. "Yeah, it's called a Rugaru. The feed on Long-Pig or human flesh. Their teeth, skin all turns after feeding and there is no going back, either. They feed once, they're a monster forever. Rugarus are carnivorous humanoids which fed on 'long pig' (human flesh), similar to Wendigos. The characteristics are Rugarus are born and live as human for all intents and purposes, typically being unaware of their condition, but at a certain age they will suddenly begin craving large quantities of food. This condition is not a virus; rather, it is passed down genetically. A person who possesses this gene will eventually give in to the urge to feed and will devour a human. The change starts out with an increased hunger for all food, but quickly transforms into a powerful craving for flesh, specifically human. The change itself is very fast, occurring within minutes of the rugaru's first bite of human flesh. Once the rugaru gives in to its desire to feed on a human, there is no going back; the rugaru will lose its human appearance and change into a monster.

Although it is believed by some that a person with this gene can overcome their curse, no rugarus are known to have been successful in this. Apparently, the final change can be avoided as long as the rugaru resists eating human flesh. Unfortunately, the urge is extremely strong and is practically impossible to ignore. Their blood after consuming human flesh, the rugaru will act as a predator, often eating violently and moving on all fours. Their human, emotional side becomes less active, yet they retain all physical abilities. They do retain full memory of their human life and may display some capacity for emotion and empathy, but this is almost always eclipsed by their overpowering need to feed.

Physical Appearance, Powers and Abilities
Super Strength a rugaru is much stronger than a human and indeed most other monsters. They are able to snap bones and break steel chains with ease. Super Speed speed is important to a rugaru. Being fast allows them to stalk and catch their prey. Super Stamina a rugaru will never tire nor will it give up the hunt once it has begun stalking its prey. However, they do need to eat. Invulnerability they cannot be harmed by ordinary weapons. Fire is the only thing that can kill a rugaru. Super Senses as a species rugaru have an incredibly strong sense of smell and sight. One was able to catch the pleasant scent of a young woman undressing from a great distance.Rugarus look nearly completely human, aside from several exceptions: Their skin is "wormy" it's considerably paler than human skin and has prominent veins and skin folds. Full grown rugarus obtain demonic, pitch black eyes, while unchanged rugarus have red, bloody scleras. But you can kill them with fire is the one of the few things that can kill a rugaru. To kill them, we need to burn them alive. He looked up from the papers and everyone was staring at him. He knew he talked to much so he closed his mouth his smile fading as he looked at the paper again

(Source for the info on the Rugaru is

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