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Derek and Stiles where at the loft, Derek was sitting next to Stiles his hand on Stiles' swollen belly feeling the baby kick. Everyone was talking and having fun gossiping on the gender of the baby. John was standing there talking to Scott's mom with a smile on his face. He was eating the finger sandwiches and chuckling at her jokes. Stiles stood clearing his throat getting everyone's attention before getting the black balloon with either pink or blue glitter in it. Derek stood on the other side his claws out to pop the balloon. They smiled as everyone counted down. "3.2.1!" Derek and Stiles popped the balloon and everyone cheered. "IT'S A BOY!" Derek kissed Stiles and kissed his stomach. "Our little boy." Stiles smiled at him giggling a little. Everyone hugged Stiles congratulating them. "WOW a boy." John said smiling at his son hugging him. "I'm so proud of you. I want you to know that." It hadn't been much different when Stiles moved in with Derek so Derek could watch him more. But then Stiles had a look of pain on his face and pack ran to him and Derek got Mrs. McCall and Decon over there as he laid Stiles on the couch. Stiles smiled putting his hand on Derek's cheek. "I'm fine baby, really it's Ow!" Stiles cried out throwing his head back sweat forming on his brow. Decon had John go get warm wet towels and a clean bowl full of hot water. "Ok everyone back up a bit, Stiles I'm ready when you are." Stiles nodded taking a deep breath squeezing Derek's hand pushing. Derek took some of Stiles' pain as he pushed. "You're doing good Stiles take a break and breathe and when you're ready push again. Stiles laid his head back as John wiped the sweat off of his son's face. Stiles leaned back up squeezing Derek's hand again screaming out as he pushed again. "You're doing great son keep pushing." Stiles smiled a little leaning back again to take a breathe. "You're almost there stiles I can feel the head a few more pushes and he should be here. Stiles pushed one more time but stopped. "It hurts so bad I can't I can't." Derek rubbed the back of Stiles'hand with his thumb. "You got this love keep pushing." Stiles pushed one more time until he felt the pressure go away. Decan worked on getting the baby clean as he cried. Stiles leaned back smiling at his son. "Elijah Hale." He said and Derek looked at him with a smile. "I like that name." Derek said kissing his mate's forehead. Decon handed Stiles his son clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. Stiles held his son close enjoying the beautiful brown eyes of his now born son. Derek put his finger down rubbing the Eli's hand. Eli grabbed Derek's finger looking at his dad with a smile. "Hi Eli I'm your dad." Stiles let Derek hold him smiling at the two.

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