Chapter 11

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The world is a terrible place.

The people on the planet make it a terrible place.

In the world, you'll find people who care and love you, worry for you when your sad and be proud of you when you accomplish something great.

But you'll also find people who shouldn't even be alive.

People who deserve to die.

Who deserve to die for making others feel like dying themselves.

When I was raped, I had no one.

I was left alone in a dark room without a phone, with no one to call even if I did have one.

Kyla and Seth were on the other side of the country, probably partying or just living their everyday lives.

While I had to walk to the hospital with a terrible pain between my legs every step I took.

With blood leaving a trail down my leg as I walked almost five kilometres at one in the morning because I was so petrified to try and even call a taxi.

The numbness eventually spread all over, making me think the pain of what just happened was gone.

I was wrong.

But when I got to the hospital, I wish I had never even gone there.

"Allie? Eat more. You need to eat." Kyla gently nudges some salad in front of me, a wobbly smile on her face.

"I'm not hungry." I grumble back.

I glance at the clock again, ready to make a bolt for the door when the clock hits six.

I'm...excited for Noah's game tonight. Especially now that I know Kyla will be with me the whole time.

Noah and Seth left about 10 minutes ago for warmup and pre-game meetings as Seth calls them.

"Nine months. Nice months tomorrow, Kyla. They've been gone for that long."

A sob catches in my throat as I speak, pushing the salad away.

Kyla looks like she going to cry as well, her bottom lip quivering.

"I-I know, Allie. I'm so sorry."

She rubs my back as I sob at the counter.

"They would be so ashamed to see me like this. I looked in the mirror the other day, something I haven't done in a long time. I'm so frail. I look unhealthy. Like I haven't slept or eaten in months."

"They wouldn't be ashamed. They would be proud that you had the courage to do the right thing and move here, where your getting support and counselling."

Kyla's words are choked, breaking on almost every word.

I know they think I was doing better, like I was healing, but maybe I'm just a good actor.

"Seth's parents would love to have you. Noah's coming too. His parents went to Saskatchewan today to check on his Aunt that was admitted into a care home."

"They live in Langley, right?"

Kyla nods, a happiness in her eyes as I seem intrigued.

"With the snow, it'll be about an hour drive."

"Okay. I'll come but we should probably get going, yeah?" I say, nodding towards the clock.

I wipe my tears away, like they were never there and make myself look strong.

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