Chapter 27

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"What the hell? I thought this was supposed to be a birthday party not a morgue!" Kyla screeches when she sees me decorating the apartment for the party I'm surprising Noah with.

"Its an Office themed birthday and in the show, this is how Dwight decorated." I shrug.

She looks around in horror at the brown and grey balloons only half blown up hanging from white streamers and the sign that says 'It is your birthday.'

"I think he'll enjoy it." I say, topping up the chip bowls I have resting on the counter with the punch and alcohol I made and bought.

Seth is keeping Noah busy for a few hours so I could set up by running him around looking for the perfect hockey stick.

In reality, I probably shouldn't have sent two hockey players looking for a perfect stick because they won't be home until they do.

There's a knock at the door letting me know that Noah's team is here, each bringing takeout.

Twenty large, loud hockey players walk in, making me only a little nervous until Kyla comes up beside me to help lay out all the food.

"Sweet! There's beer!" One of them shouts, a round of hollers going through them as they all swipe one off the counter.

"Seth just texted. Their outside." Kyla whisper shouts at me, turning off the lights before moving to crouch down behind the couch.

"Find your hiding spots! Noah and Seth are just walking up!" I shout, which surprisingly works as they all try to find a spot suitable for them.

There's a click of the front door and some footsteps, then shouts of,

"Happy birthday!"


Noah stands in the doorway looking just a little pale, his blue eyes wide as he stares at the scene in front of him.

Seth pushes him inside, laughing at how Noah still hasn't moved.

"Happy birthday!" I look up at him and poke his nose, my head just grazing his chest

"Do you like it? I invited everyone. Your parents couldn't make it but they told me they would come down next weekend with Claire to try and do something with you."

"You planned this?"

I bite my lip and nod.

"I-wow. I love it. And you invited the whole team as well."

His arms wrap around my waist, spinning me in the air as I squeal and we both laugh, completely forgetting about everyone else.

He gently sets me down, still wary about my shoulder with surgery coming up, keeping his arms wrapped around me and his front to my back as we walk around the apartment chatting with his friends.

When he notices the decorations, he lets me hear one of his rare belly laughs, barely breathing between laughing and try to thank me.

"Was that Carter that just laughed? I have known this dude for 3 years and I have never once heard him laugh. Never. I'm glad he found you."

Noah's goalie, Mike, says to me after Noah's finished his laughing fit.

The next few hours are a blur of laughs and watching two hundred pound dudes try to play Twister, beer pong that I did not participate in and cake.

I have to sit down for awhile to unstrap my knee brace so my knee can actually breathe, glancing towards the kitchen and smiling when I see Noah already sauntering towards me.

"Is your knee bothering you?" His mouth his pulled down in concern, moving the brace aside so he can take a seat on the couch beside me.

"Just a little but it's nothing. Go and enjoy your party."

"How am I supposed to enjoy it when your not there?" He fake pouts, making me kiss the pout away.

"I'm right here, silly. Or I'm I still to far?"

I tilt my head, waiting for his answer when I hear the door open and naturally I look to see who it is.

Fuck. No.

My mouth goes dry as I stare at Maddie who just walked in with two other girls I don't recognize, all wearing dresses that shout 'fuck me.'

Noah, who was smiling just a moment ago, follows my gaze with his brows pulled down in confusion and then realization hits him.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" He spits, his hands clenched beside him.

"Noah-" But he's already walking over.

"Get the fuck out. You are not invited here." He practically spits in Maddies face, who in return bats her eyelashes at him.

"It's a party. We're here to party." She bites back.

Her two friends have remained behind her, looking at the rest of Noah's team like they're eye fucking them right there.

"Maddie. Could you please leave? This was just a thing for Noah's team."

I ask her calmly when I go to stand beside Noah, who in response just raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, look. It's the little bitch who thinks she's actually apart of her boyfriends team. Guess what, Allie? Not everything is about you. Just because your fucking a hockey player-"

The next few moments happen so fast I barely see them.

Kyla comes over and actually punches Maddie, who falls down screeching like she just lost a limb, earning many gasps and snorts from the team.

Maddies two friends scurried off as soon as Maddie was punched, leaving her to cry on my floor before Mike and the other goalie come over and actually drag her out of the apartment.

"Well. Someone must have a pretty big dick if there's chicks fighting at the front door." Seth says, which earns a laugh from each of the guys and an elbow to the stomach from Kyla.

I'm still staring at front door when Noah thanks people for coming and starts escorting people out the door.

When everyone has left and Seth and Kyla have retreated to their room, Noah and I get ready for bed, taking turns showering and getting changed.

"Well, did you have a good party before..?"

Noah nods against my neck where his head is buried, his arms wrapped around my waist as he practically lays on top of me.

"I did. I truly did. Thank you. Maddie won't be bothering you anymore."


"Maddie. She won't bother you anymore."

I want to ask more about what he means but his breathing evens out so I assume he is just on the verge of sleep.

"I love you Noah." I whisper, snuggling even closer to him.

"Love you, pretty girl."

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