Chapter 2

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As soon as we step foot into the apartment, I go straight to my bed.

My bed is my safe space for the most part.

I bring the covers to my ears, not bothering to change.

So I lie there, hoping to fall asleep before I fall apart.

It doesn't take long for a drunk Kyla to explode into my room, Seth right behind her.

"I have practice in the morning." I mumble to them.

"Oh right! Isn't that funny, Seth? We just need your laptop to watch 'Tangled'. I want to show Seth how much he looks like Flynn Rider."

Holy shit, she's really drunk.

She stumbles towards my laptop bag, giggling at herself as she unlocks my laptop.

Whatever she sees on the screen sobers her up real quick. She blinks rapidly, her throat bobs and she glances toward Seth, who looks over her shoulder to find the movie.

I dive under the covers, hoping sleep follows me.

"Al-Allie? Why are you looking at rape counselling groups?" Kyla asks.

I shoot up so fast. My hands start to shake as I lie through my teeth. They're both looking at me with wide eyes, bloodshot from the alcohol. Kyla's teeth start to chatter, the only noise in the room.

"Looking for a friend." Is my reply.

Kyla isn't dumb. She can see I'm lying.

"You haven't been eating at all and you've lost so much weight. You-you always scream during the night and you can't stand when someone touches you and don't think I don't notice the pepper spray you carry around-" She brings a hand to her to cover her mouth. "-Oh my god. You were raped."

I flinch because the term is so disgusting. So inhuman.

So inhuman that someone could do that to another person.

Seth is green, staring at me with wide eyes.

Kyla has started to cry silent tears.

And all I can do is shrug. Because I have nothing left in me.

"When?" That seems to be the only word Seth can get out.

I think it over, but now that they know so it's no point in hiding it.

"Two months ago. Three days before I moved. I was just lucky that my coaches accepted my transfer request that quickly."

I try to lighten the mood even though I know how bad the joke is. No one moves.

Damn. Tough crowd.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have trie-"

"Because the fucking police didn't believe me. And the doctors didn't help me feel any better about it. At that point I gave up and it happened right after they died so I was still dealing with that and it broke me. I am fucking broken."

I don't mean for it to sound so snappy, so harsh and sloppy but it does and they both flinch.

I've cried enough tears for the both of them so I don't cry as I watch them process.

Kyla sniffles, wipes her nose and gently sits on my bed beside me.

"We're here. We'll help you. Whatever you need. Have you been tested?"

I shake my head.

"Whenever your ready, I can go with you. And then we can look into counselling."

I nod.

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