Chapter 13

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When I woke up this morning, Allie's front was pressed against mine, her arms around my chest and fuck if I didn't love it.

Her gold hair was swept over her face, blocking her beautiful face.

I woke up in the middle of the night when she started to tremble and whimper but once I pulled her closer and stroked her nose she dozed right back off.

She even smiled at me in her sleep.

I need more.

Walking towards my truck with my bag slung over my shoulder, thinking about all the things we could have done better in the game, someone jumps out in front of me, making me jump 20 feet into the air.

"You-you jumped like ten feet into the air." Allie laughs, barely even able to form words.

"I could have punched you!" I tell her, my heart still racing.

She laughs again like she thinks I'm joking.

"Then I would have used these flowers I got to smack you right back."

She holds a small bouquet of flowers shoved out towards me, a shy smile on her face.

"I-I didn't know if hockey players liked flowers but this was the only thing they had. Congrats on the win."

"No, no. I like them, thank you."

She gives me one of her dimple smiles in return before she turns and starts walking towards my  truck.

"Did you know that hockey was originally called 'shinty'?"  She asks once we get into my truck.

"No. I didn't."

This is what happens over the next twenty minutes.

She lights up with every weird fact that she shares, and smiles even more when she gets to explain each of them.

I wish I wasn't driving so I could memorize each and every curve of her face when she's so happy like this.

"I didn't know you were coming to watch."

"It was worth it seeing you squeal like a little girl." She snorts.

"I didn't squeal like a little girl." I mumble.

"Yeah, you did."

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask, not wanting to sit in silence with her.

"I do not. Well, if you don't count Kyla and Seth since I've known them since elementary school."

"You've known them for that long?"

She snorts when she sees how shocked I am.

"Yeah. When we were younger, Seth and I were terrible. We were such awful kids. We got expelled from our first school together and moved to the one Kyla was at."

She laughs at the memory as I pull up to a red light.

"You, Allie Wes, gold medalist all around gymnast at the Olympics, was expelled from elementary school?"

My voice drips with sarcasm as I speak, my lips tugging up.

She holds up her hands defensively, not bothering to hold in the giggles.

The light turns green, and I start to go forward.

"That's not the worst-"

Everything goes black.


"Can you hear me? Ma'am?"

My head hurts like a fucking bitch, like I've been upside down for a long time, my body not that better.

I try to open my eyes, but all I see are flashing blue and red lights.

"Were going to try unbuckling your seatbelt."

There are to many unfamiliar voices all at once, my breathing coming in short and painful.

I was with Noah.

Where's Noah?

Sirens. Too loud. Too many.

I lazily drag my arms above my head, my fingertips grazing the top of the truck's roof.

Opening my eyes, my vision still a little blurry, I make out ambulances and police cars, people running around frantically.

I hear someone counting down, then I'm dropped right onto my head onto the truck's roof.

The trucks upside down.

Hands wrap around my ankles, and I immediately start swatting at them.

"Don't touch me!"

They don't let go. They keep dragging me until out of the truck, laying in the middle of the road.

"Don't-don't touch me!"

They finally let me go, forcing my eyes open so they can shine a flashlight into them.

"I'm fine. Where is she? Tell me here the fuck she is!" A familiar voice yells.

There are too many hands on me, too many voices.

"Please, don't touch me." I sob.

But no one listens.


"I'm fine. Where is she? Tell me where the fuck she is!" The paramedic sighs, knowing he lost this battle and points towards my truck where it's currently flipped upside down.

After I lost conscious, the next thing I knew I was laying in an ambulance with a paramedic telling me I had a concussion and some small cuts and bruises after a drunk truck driver hit the passengers side.

Allie's side.

Running over to my truck with a slight limp, my heart beating to fucking fast, I hear Allie sobbing and saying,

"Please, don't touch me."

But I watch as no one listens.

"Hey. I'm here now, Allie."

Her eyes shoot open, frantically looking for me until they latch onto mine.

"I don't want to go. Please don't make me go to the hospital." She sobs, her tears sliding down her face that's covered in blood from her head.

"I'm so sorry but I'll be with you the whole time-"

I'm cut off when Allie screams, kicking at the paramedic that is trying to lift her shirt up.

In that moment, when she curls into my lap to get away from everyone that is trying to make sure she is okay,

"We need to get her to the hospital soon."

I nod, looking down at the girl trying to hide herself in my neck.

"Allie? I'm going to lift you up into the ambulance, okay? I won't leave your side the whole time." I brush away some of the bloody hair from her face.

She nods once before I gently climb to my feet with her in my arms.

I lay her gently onto the stretcher that is waiting in the ambulance, holding both of her tiny hands in mine.

She never once closes her eyes, always alert of what happens around her. Her whole body shakes from what the paramedics tell me is from the pain as they take her inside the hospital.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Mia, and I will be looking over Allie."

Dr. Mia tells us as she enters the room. She's an older lady, even shorter than Allie.

Grabbing the chart at the end of the bed, she studies it and flinches.

"Is he okay to be in the room for the next part?"

Allie's brows furrow, confusion written all over her face at the doctors words but she nods slowly.

The doctors lips pierce, where she stands opposite of where I'm sitting by Allie's bed.

"It says on your chart that you came in about 7 months ago asking to take a rape kit? Is this true?"

What the fuck?

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