Chapter 30

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Allie left about four days ago and fuck if they haven't been the longest four days ever.

She starts competing tomorrow so I invited the team over after practice to watch her on CBN.

The week leading up to her departure, she seemed more happy and carefree, like I had helped unlock some of her old self.

That night was more than sex. More than a single word. She put all her trust into me that night and that's something I'm going to cherish for the rest of my life.

The following day when I get home from practice, I immediately turn on the TV to see that she's only warming up on floor.

The team starts piling in just before she competes, even a few of the new transfers come along.

"She's actually this good?" I hear someone ask Seth.

"She won four gold medals at the Olympics a few years back. She is that good." Seth snaps back.

When Allie presents and starts her floor routine, all the eyes are on the screen.

Her floor music is more lyrical than anything, and mixed with her elegance and grace, she's bound to score high, especially since she's doing three of the hardest routines that will be performed tonight.

And she fucking nails it.

She scores a 14.3, which from what I've learned, is fantastic.

Kyla seems to think so too since her excited shriek bursts my ear drums.

"That's her best score! Ever!" She exclaims, her eyes following Allie on the screen as she goes to hug her coach, Allie smiling at the camera when she notices it.

The rest of the competition flows by, Allie not once wobbling on beam and even sticking her vault and bars landings.

The team lingers for just a little while more but leaves after she's done, telling me to pass on congratulations and saying how wonderful she is.

Team Canada wins the team gold, and Allie makes all four event finals which start tomorrow and wins gold all around.

My girl is a world champion.

"She did really well tonight. Best I've ever seen her compete." Seth mentions, turning off the TV when the Champions are done.

"We have a game tomorrow so I need you to go get some sleep." Seth gives me a stern look that has me glancing at the clock and I realize it's past one in the morning.

"I'm going to call her and then I'll crash." I tell him.

He chuckles, turning to walk down the hall.

"Never expected to see you so happy, man. It looks good on you." That's the last thing he yells before slamming the bedroom door.

"Noah! Hi! Oh my god, why are you calling me at this time? It's like two in the morning there!"

Allie rambles when she answers the facetime, her face filling the camera.

She's laying on her stomach on her bed, the camera prompted in front of her on the bed.

"It's fine. I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You were amazing tonight. And first all around!? That's incredible, Allie."

She blushes at the compliments, her feet kicking the air in the background.

"Thanks Noah. But you need to sleep! You have a game!"

"Have you been sleeping?"

She immediately frowns, breaking eye contact.

"Yes." She mutters under her breath, staring down at her hands.

I raise an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me."

"It doesn't matter-"

"It does. To me."

She sighs. "No. I haven't. Those sleeping pills the doctor prescribed aren't working. And no- nothing is working."

Her voice trembles just slightly towards the end, a single tear sliding down her face.

It wrecks me to see her like this and not be able to do anything about it, especially since she's in Belgium and I'm here.

"We can go to the doctor when you get back and see if-"

"No. They make the nightmares worse and they make me feel nauseous. And my roommate doesn't like to sleep with any lights on..."

She trails off, letting me fill in the blanks.

We sleep with the lights on here so she feels more comfortable. And from what she's told me, she hasn't been in a dark room since.

"You didn't tell me the pills make you feel sick."

"I didn't want you to worry. And I just threw them up anyway-"

"You're throwing up the pills and you didn't tell me?"

She must hear the hurt in my voice as her eyes go wide, her lips piercing.

"I- I'm sorry. I should have told you. But you worry. Like a few days before I left, you didn't let me sleep with Wally because you thought I would freaking suffocate in my sleep."

Because I hate that fucking penguin.

She even started an Instagram account for it.

And we're not even going to mention how it has more followers than I do.

"I worry about you. You pretty much sleep with it stuffed in your face."

"That's what she said!"

She bursts out laughing, gasping for air on the other end as my lips twitch.

"That was a good one, I'll give you that."

I say, which I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me over the way she continues to laugh until someone speaks up in the background.

"Oh. Okay. Noah, I have to go to dinner. I'll call you after your game, okay?"

"Okay. Please eat something. I love you."

"Wally and I love you too." She waves the stuffed animal in front of the phone, giggling when I narrow my eyes.

She plops a kiss on the camera, smiling when I pretend to wipe my lips.

"Love you, Noah."

And then she hangs up.

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