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The sun finally came to cleanse that side of earth from the darkness that had consumed it. Beacon Hills could only be thankful for that. The warmth of its light wrapped and delicately pulled Scott back to the land of the awake.

He very slowly opened his eyes to find himself lying bloody, mangled and senseless, his back flat on the ground. He realized he was still in that same clearing; the only part of him that was set free to roam around himself were his eyes, the rest of his body remained completely still, too sore and damaged to make any movement. After identifying the place he was at, he brought his eyes up towards the morning sky and just laid there contemplating it.

His face seemed void of all and any concerns, he looked peaceful and relaxed. For a moment it seemed like all of his doubts and fears were simply null, he acted like he had all the time in the world, like everything around him was just fine.

Matt didn't seem to like that, not one bit,"Giving up already?" he mocked.

Scott remained silent and still, "I'd try to explain it to you Matt, but you wouldn't understand," he said. Although, he wasn't exactly sure of the meaning of his own words, perhaps he was truly giving up on his own life, but only unwilling to admit it; yet something else kept him calm, he thought it couldn't just be the effect of sunrise alone. No, there was something else, he could acknowledge it without knowing its source or what it was.

Then it came to his ears, Lydia's voice, that was when things made a little more sense in his mind. But it did open up a door for brand new questions: Was it a cry for help? Was it the reason for his misplaced peace? Was it nothing more than despair in disguise? The idea that he couldn't do anything to help his friends and pack, crushed his spirit, broke his soul and snuffed his hope.

"Did you hear that? Your friends are going through it too. Look at the bright side, at least you won't be alone in your afterlife," said Matt who seemed dangerously close to Scott, "No offense, but I can't stay here with you forever, I am sure you understand," he added, the murderous look in his eyes was not a good omen, Scott's odds didn't look very bright at that moment.

Scott closed his eyes for a second, then two, then three seconds. He began to wonder what the hold-up was, what was taking Matt so long to bless him with the final blow. A blow that never came. Scott reopened his eyes just in time to see a fountain of black blood trickle from Matt's mouth, then his body moved a tad, it was as if something had hit him from behind.

The alpha's eyebrows furrowed, when he allowed his mind to focus again, he was sure he heard a faint and swift sound, the sound of a thin object cutting through air at a very high speed. A bit like... An arrow.

"What the... Hell?... This is impossible!" groaned Matt, attempting to turn around and look at his assailant.

Scott followed his gaze; he too was curious about the identity of whoever came to his rescue. Though, before Matt could lay eyes on the individual, he received a third arrow right through his thigh and thus he was forced on his knee.

Scott's heart began to beat faster in his chest, no number of words could have ever described his surprise, when he finally saw who it was that saved him. Nothing could have ever prepared him for a moment like that one was. He could see them clearer when they'd begun to lower their arms along with their bow.

He thought she looked as radiant, as majestic as ever. When he was finally able to see her face without anything between them to obstruct his vision. She was exactly the image he'd kept of her in his mind for all those years, since the day he'd lost her.

Moreover, she looked... Very much alive. Allison Argent was alive.

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