Chapter 27: Untimely

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They all hanged by their necks with fishing lines so thin, that Parrish thought they were only floating before the realization sunk in.

Jordan just stood there... Staring at the empty husks, once full of life but... No longer so. Could he have saved them? Maybe in a perfect world, in a dimension where he was better at being a harbinger of death? Perhaps he could have had the vision a tad earlier to prevent their untimely demise?

" Parrish?" he finally remembered to breath when he heard her voice, Fisher was still alive, but for how long still? He thought.

Alas his eyes were able to move away from his already lifeless colleagues, they followed the tune allowing him to further inspect the room. He picked up on a door's presence, that he wasn't entirely sure had been there before, but what was the need to ponder on such questions at that point.

He walked forward once his legs finally obeyed his intentions, "Fisher?" he settled for the resolution to find his partner for that time being, answering questions such as where he truly was or how to get out of there, became a secondary quest.

" I am right this way!!" it seemed he was heading in the right direction, getting closer to the source of those words so he picked up in speed, and began to run towards it.

The hallway he was racing through was just as dark, narrow and everlasting as the one he traversed before. He kept on going forth as she cried out for him a few more times, each call closer sounding than the previous, his tension wasn't easing and he seemed to have ditched all efforts to be wary by then, ready to jump head first into whatever situation was awaiting.

" Parrish, help!" he instantly dug his heals into the ground when he realized that... Something was wrong with her voice, tone...With her presence in general. It sounded like Fisher, but also unlike her at the same time, good thing was that he'd already believed in the supernatural, otherwise he'd have been a good candidate for losing his mind over that. The idea of backtracking crossed his mind, but... The soft whispers faintly chirping around him, mixed with disturbing sorts of low giggles discouraged him from making any movement, he knew by then that, it was already too late.

He slowly turned to look behind himself, only to be met with a solid wall.

A wall that undoubtedly was not there, it was a corridor, he'd come from that way, there was no reason for him to see a wall there instead.

His anxiety and fear upgraded to unimaginable levels of aggravation and disgruntlement, that wasn't all much to his dismay... He thought it was ironic, more than anything really, he thought that predicting other people's death was the most dreadful feeling he'd have to endure, he internally laughed at that right then.

Because in any case, predicting his own death took the cake for him, he was going to... die, and so much sooner than he'd expected.


" You're a hundred..." Lydia lost her words.

" And fifty six, you heard it correctly the first time,"

The moment of silence that followed the banshee's conversation, was broken by Melissa, as she entered the room she immediately spoke up," How are feeling girls?"

" Alright," Lydia simply answered.

" So, you're Melissa McCall?"

" Well... That's me, and you're the new banshee?" That short interaction sat awkward vibes on everyone, at the exception of Maylee who seemed... Comfortable, come to think of it, her demeanor barely changed throughout her entire discussion with Lydia.

" I heard you were most likely the reason why everyone on that bus is alive...So... Thank you," Melissa felt she was blurting out words she thought were appropriate to break the ice.

" Well, I didn't really do it to be a saint, they die, I die too, eventually,"

Lydia glanced at Melissa, unsure how to react in front of Maylee's blatancy and overall social skills, "How is everyone doing?" she finally managed to ask.

" Well, apart from Theo, everybody affected by the scorpion men seems to have recovered,"

" Was... Stiles also injured by them?"

" No, he wasn't, but..."

" But what?" Lydia frowned.

" He should be up by now,"

" He should be? So, he's not?" Asked Lydia suspicious.

" No... He isn't," Confessed Melissa.

Lydia immediately turned towards the door, but before she could step further away from the bed, she felt a strong grip on her wrist," What are you doing? Let go please," She demanded from Maylee.

" We're not finished here yet, I am going to need you,"

" My boyfriend needs me," she made sure to articulate those words as clearly as possible, as if that would convey her message better.

" He'll be fine,"

That statement both infuriated and comforted Lydia, from one side she was enraged at Maylee's casualness and carefreeness about the subject, but on another side however, that confidence was what comforted her.

She knew Maylee had her reasons for acting that way, she just hoped they'd be good reasons.

" Just trust me on this, if I am right about this, there's no other place you'd rather be but here, for the time being at least, your friends' lives may depend on that,"

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