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"How do you know he's there?" asked Noah Stilinski as he ran behind Lydia.

"I just know it, I don't know how to explain it," she said, a bit out of breath.

They ran without a halt in the direction of the hospital roof, until they finally reached that metal door. Lydia threw her weight on it and pushed it without regards, then she stopped... Her face gradually switching expression, it was like watching light slowly brighten a dark corner, like a heavy weight was being lifted off her shoulders very little by little when she finally laid eyes on his figure.

She didn't need to see his face to feel that way, Stiles was facing away from her at that moment, he was visibly talking to someone that Lydia paid no mind to, it wasn't important, not right then at least, their presence was completely eclipsed from Lydia's range of vision, all that mattered was that Stiles was alive and well.

He'd immediately turned around when he heard the door swing open behind him, and for a short moment they just stared at each other, happy to be standing under the same sun, reflecting the same light on their skin and in their eyes. They both thought it was amazing that a human being could go through and feel so many emotions in such a short amount of time. They both closed the distance between them for their bodies to feel each other's warmth, they'd been a part for one night, yet it felt like centuries, they missed each other's scent, and they missed each other's touch. Then finally, their lips locked together into a passionate kiss as their tears broke free.

Noah waited patiently and silently for their embrace to end, his heart threatening to leap out of his chest onto his hands. Unlike Lydia, he hadn't seen his son for years, and the first he got to see of him was his unconscious frame. He felt a squeeze in his stomach when Stiles' eyes finally turned towards him, he just wanted to tell him how much he'd missed him, how happy he was to see him back on his feet or... To see him at all for that matter, but he fell short on words, and just like Lydia he let his body do the talking for him.

"How did you know I was here?" Stiles asked as soon as he broke the hug with his father.

"I didn't, she did," Noah pointed at Lydia.

"Yeah, I just knew you were here, I felt it... Not sure how else to explain it," Lydia tried to manifest her thoughts into words, but that was all she could come up with.

"It's because you had a vision of his death here," The fourth person on that roof finally spoke up.

"Noshiko Yukimura, isn't it?" The sheriff asked her after they'd all turned her way.

"I did see his death approaching, but I didn't have a clear vision of it, I don't remember seeing the rooftop," said Lydia before Noshiko could answer Stilinski.

"It's like a dream, your conscious mind may not recall every bit of it, but it's all there somewhere in your subconscious," said Yukimura.

"But what happened here? How did you get here in the first place?" asked Noah.

"I was visited by an old friend," said Stiles, not wanting to get into the details of how the nogitsuné had manipulated him before Noshiko came to his aid, if he could spare his mother's memory from being further insulted, he'd always do just that.

"So, I am guessing the Oni weren't here alone after all," said Lydia.

"No, of course not, they needed someone to pull their leash, all the while torturing me, I mean I think it's impressive, don't you think?" Lydia and Noah were glad to see that Stiles' sense of humour and sarcasm as a coping mechanism had remained unchanged.

"What are you doing here?" Lydia turned towards Noshiko again.

"She saved my behind, obviously," Stiles answered Lydia's question, pronouncing the last word at a lower volume than the rest of his sentence, a slight hint of embarrassement on his features.

"I thought you couldn't fight anymore," Noah interjected.

"Not when the battles aren't mine to fight," stated Noshiko in her usual unbothered expression.

"That's... Oddly convenient," said Stiles.

"But how did you stop the nogitsuné?" Lydia asked again.

"I didn't stop him; I just delayed his plans...But to answer your question, I am a celestial kitsuné, my sword braves through darkness, especially one made by my kin," said Noshiko.

"Makes sense, celeste or lumière, both synonyms of light," commented Lydia.

"How did you get here in time? Is what I want to know," Stiles spoke at his turn.

"The guardian angel told me to be here," she said.

"The who?" it made sense for Stiles not to know who the guardian angel was or what their mission was, he'd been unconscious since the attack on the bus.

"Well, that's a bit of a long story that we all need to sit down for," said Lydia.

They opted to join the others downstairs and wait for the rest of their friends to come back to the hospital. On their way there, Stilinski was informed about the tragedy that took place in Eichen, so he chose to join his deputies on site instead.

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