31. It's been ages, different stages

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Hola lovely people!!!!!

How are you all??

Well, here's another chapter, I hoep you like it! And I can't thank enough to all of you who have still taken out time to read this. means a lot!!!! I hope I can match your expectations!!!!!

Louis' POV

Even though I had my worries and speculations regarding the whole family get together, I knew I wanted to do it. I'm not sure how things will turn out, but I have a feeling that the blessings of all our loved ones before we officially end the hiatus would be lucky for us. So, here I was in a meeting with 5 smart ladies who were appointed as managers for us 5 lads to communicate with them and their solo management so there would be no miscommunication amongst us.

Christina, Jessie, Nicole, Iva and Violet were Harry's, Niall's, Liam's, Zayn's and mine's respective managers. I knew I was getting overworked so it seemed a feasible decision to have these managers so only filtered information will reach me which they can't take care of.

"Niall has signed the contract, Louis and till now he hasn't made any special request regarding the functions of the band." Jessie said, handing me a bounded file of Niall's contract copy. I looked through the contract and smiled seeing his signature at the end.

I had got a simple yet powerful contract for the boys so that they would be free from their solo management for the next two years w.r.t to their work and public profile. Of course, the stunts or PR thing they've currently going on will continue because they're bound to do that, but they won't be pulled into new things for the next two years. Even if I wanted to pause the PR and stunts contract I couldn't because a third party was involved. It was a bummer but something was better than nothing.

Nicole and Iva too turned in the signed contracts of Liam and Zayn.

"What about Harry's?" I asked Christina.

"Well, he has signed the contract, but he wants to make sure that his personal needs will be taken care of." She said in a hesitant voice.

"And that would include?" I asked folding my arms on the table.

"As you know he has a different fashion style, so he doesn't want to compromise everything for the band. Like he doesn't want to change his personality completely."

"Of course, I understand. Tell him not to worry. I wouldn't want to change his personality for the world." I said calmly but with a lot of affection in my voice which earned me five fond looks with smirks. I rolled my eyes. "What I mean is he doesn't have to change everything, but he would have to make a little adjustment so that he can blend with the rest of us."

"Okay, I'm sure he can do that." Christina smiled, passing the contract to me. As we discussed the needs and wants of the boys further, I couldn't help but admire how all these women have strong opinions about everything and how gracefully they put their points on the table without demeaning the other person.

Being with Modest for 5 years and looking at them working closely, I was sure that if I ever had a management company or any kind of company for that matter, I would never hire males to do the job of client dealing. They're just horrible and heartless. They wouldn't think twice before speaking as if they don't have any kind of brain to mouth filter. They would never realize what their venom dipped tongue is doing to the other person.

There were women too in that obnoxious company who would treat us like shit, but they still had little empathy in their eyes for the suffering clients. Well, most of them had. Therefore, all the managers in my company who deal with clients on a personal basis are all females and who know how to treat people as people and not as animals or robots.

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