The Frozen Nightmare

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The Taishō Period unfolds with a clash between traditionalism and modernism, painting Japan in shifting colors. In this era, Yuriko Minazuki, a young girl with long, flowing light purple hair and striking light purple irises, lives in a bustling city with her parents.

Her parents, accomplished but relentlessly busy businessmen, seldom find time for family. Yet, amidst their hectic lives, Yuriko's mother remains her unwavering anchor, always there with love and support. Their home echoes with her mother's laughter, a rare sound in their busy world.

On one fateful winter day, Yuriko's mother suggests a journey to their tranquil countryside hometown, sensing her daughter's yearning for simplicity and tranquility. It's a decision that will change their lives forever.

Opting for a horse-drawn carriage, they embark on a scenic trip from the city. The horses, adorned with colorful bells and bright tassels, pull the carriage along a winding, snow-covered path. The world around them transforms into a winter wonderland, with delicate snowflakes gently descending from the heavens.

However, their journey takes a chilling turn when the carriage mysteriously comes to a halt in the dead of night. The sudden stop jolts Yuriko and her mother from their reverie, leaving them bewildered in the darkness.

Peering out of the carriage window, their breath forms misty clouds in the frigid air. They discover the carriage driver's sudden disappearance, and it perplexes them. They decide to investigate, and their boots crunch through the crisp snow as they venture into the night.

Traversing through the snow-covered landscape, their quest to find the driver proves futile. Reluctantly, they proceed on foot toward their hometown. The cold air cuts through their clothing, chilling them to the bone, and the eerie silence of the night intensifies their unease.

In the bleak, wintry expanse, they stumble upon a gruesome sight. The lifeless body of the carriage driver sprawls in the snow, his blood staining the pristine white snow like a grotesque canvas. His organs have been gruesomely removed, leaving a horrifying scene.

Shock and horror wash over Yuriko and her mother as they try to comprehend who could commit such a heinous act in this serene countryside. It's a sight that defies reason and humanity.

Their terror escalates when a malevolent presence looms behind them, a shadowy figure with eyes gleaming like burning embers. Yuriko's mother, the pillar of her life, falls victim to a demon's savage assault. Yuriko, initially paralyzed by fear and disbelief, watches in horror as her mother's life is brutally extinguished before her eyes.

With a surge of newfound courage fueled by a mix of rage and desperation, Yuriko seizes a branch from a nearby snowdrift and launches herself at the demon. Her strikes are unsteady and tremulous, but determination lights a fire within her.

Again and again, Yuriko attacks the demon, her blows becoming progressively more accurate and fierce. Through sheer willpower and a burgeoning connection to an ancient power she does not yet understand, Yuriko manages to subdue the demon, forcing it to retreat into the shadows.

But it is too late. Her mother's life has slipped away, leaving Yuriko alone in the desolate wilderness. As she cradles her mother's lifeless form, she makes a solemn promise to honor her dying wish - to escape this horrifying fate and become a demon slayer, the one force that can bring justice to those who have taken everything from her.

Alone and shaken, Yuriko stumbles upon a nearby village, where her cousin resides. Among her cousin's neighbors is a formidable female demon slayer, a woman who has dedicated her life to hunting demons and protecting the innocent. Recognizing Yuriko's unique potential and the burning resolve in her eyes, the demon slayer takes her under her wing.

Yuriko's training begins, and she soon discovers the ancient art of the Dragon Breath techniques. It's a grueling journey of physical and mental transformation, where she hones her combat skills and harnesses the power of the dragon spirit within her. Although she remains unaware of her true connection to this ancient force, she feels herself drawn to its power and the path of the demon slayer.

Her journey has begun, fueled by a burning desire for vengeance, justice, and the hope that one day, she will confront the malevolent force that has forever changed her life.

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