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freshman year sucks :P

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freshman year sucks :P

Mystake pressed on with the facade, not even flinching in the shadow of Lord Garmadon. "My Lord, I have proved my allegiance time and time again. For you to doubt my abilities-"

"Is what?!" a shrill voice cut in. Harumi stood with her arms crossed, Killow and her cronies on standby behind her. "Two-faced?" She turned to Garmadon. "That isn't me, Emperor Garmadon."

Garmadon watched the situation unfold. "Hmm."

Mystake wasn't giving up yet. "You're the impostor!" she countered. "Arrest her n-"

Garmadon cut her off. "Let. Her. Speak."

Harumi stepped up, pointing at Mystake. "That is Mystake. The shape-shifting Oni I was telling you about. She tried to get the Master of Amber close enough to touch you so that the Resistance could turn your power against us."

Seeing as the trick was over, Skylor threw her ropes aside and lunged for Garmadon, but Ultra Violet pushed her back to her knees. Mystake was about to help her when Killow grabbed her in one massive fist, holding her clear off the ground.

"Well done, Harumi," said Garmadon as Mystake struggled in Killow's vice grip. "It's good to have you back, my child."

Harumi smirked. "The pleasure was all mine, Father."

Skylor shoved Ultra Violet off of her for a brief moment. "He's not your father," she protested. "His son is Lloyd-" Ultra Violet pounced on her again.

Garmadon narrowed his eyes at a squirming Mystake. "I thought I smelled an Oni. Looks like your plan backfired."

Mystake's came out as her own rather than Harumi's when she retorted, "The only thing that backfired is you turning against your father's realm. Ninjago is a place of light, and you are a source of shadow."

"You know it all turns to darkness," argued Garmadon.

"The future is not in your hands," Mystake said firmly.

"Show me, Oni. Show me your real face," Garmadon urged, trying to egg her on. "Or are you worried what your friends might think of you, demon?"

"Maybe I'll show you," Mystake responded, her voice distorting into something ancient and evil as she spoke. Black smoke curled around her as Killow jumped back, coughing.

Without warning, Mystake burst forth from the fog. Onyx horns had sprouted from her now stygian skin, curved and coming to a wicked point. Her eyes glowed an unnatural violet that put UV's skin to shame and vampiric fangs protruded from her lower jaw.

Skylor almost gasped at the sight of her. She had to admit; Mystake was terrifying when she wanted to be,

"But only for you to see what a full-blooded Oni can do," the true Oni finished, hitting the ground running and charging at the Dark Lord himself.

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