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number one in #lloydxreader?! thank you all 🤍🤍 it's been a wild ride, but it's not over yet, so strap in

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number one in #lloydxreader?! thank you all 🤍🤍 it's been a wild ride, but it's not over yet, so strap in

-october 23rd, 2023

With a deafening crack, the sky tore open. A colossal dragon was the first to exit the portal, scales red as revenge and rough from years of living in a cruel world. Five more proceeded after her, each bearing a ninja on their backs.

"Break away!" Wu called.

Cole gasped in horror as he soared over the ruined streets and fallen buildings. "Our city!"

"What's left of it," Jay corrected grimly.

"Let's just hope our friends are okay," Kai said. His earpiece beeped as a person entered the com link.

"You're coming in loud and clear, brother."

"Nya?!" Jay exclaimed. "Oh, you're alright."

Nya grunted from the other end as if she was engaged in combat. "Oh . . . I don't know about that, but we could use a little help."

"I've located their transmission," Zane announced, nindroid eyes glowing.

Y/n, determined to reunited with her long lost friends, nodded. "Lead the way."

Their dragons swiftly dove from the air. Y/n resisted the urge to burst into tears then and there, trying and failing to control her racing heart. It wasn't just the height that was getting to her. She was home.

A funny word for the master of wind.

Suddenly, Stormbringer chortled in anguish, swinging her snout in the direction of a nearby building. A building that was falling. Y/n glanced at Master Wu. "I-"

"Go," he urged. "You don't need my permission."

Y/n took off on Stormbringer without another word, ignoring her fear as they rushed to the scene of emergency. The others gave her a quick nod and continued on to help their friends struggling in the street.

Zane's dragon took out a fleet of Sons of Garmadon with one icy breath, much to Nya's relief. Dareth cheered, "The ninja are back!"

"And with very large dragons," Nya noted breathlessly, though she wasn't surprised.

Ninja did some crazy things.

"We did it! We held out!" Lloyd sighed with relief, reminded briefly of Mystake's words. It was a bittersweet memory. But she wasn't the only one missing from this reunion.

Firstbourne swept down onto the cracked pavement majestically. Wu back-flipped down from her back.

Nya squinted at the gold-clad figure. "Is that . . ?"

"Master Wu?" the green ninja finished.

"When I was an old man, I was wise to avoid a fight," Wu stated. "But today, I'm not an old man."

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