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Sure, Y/n had missed her ninja friends

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Sure, Y/n had missed her ninja friends. That didn't mean she was over the moon about being chained to them, surrounded by enemies, and having her already broken arm squished between metal links and her ribs.

"Nice seeing you again," she greeted quietly to Nya, who was packed in beside her.

"Where were you?" Nya hissed back, not wanting their captors to hear. "You wrecked your tracker again."

Y/n grinned sheepishly. "I figured I did. Someone posed as a family friend in a letter and told me my dad was in the hospital," she sighed. "I wasn't thinking straight. I just jumped overboard and flew back home. The Sons of Garmadon caught me there." She looked down at the floor. "Sorry for worrying you."

"It wasn't your fault, Y/n," insisted Nya, her expression softening. "We're just glad you're okay."

The younger ninja smiled gratefully. "Thanks. It's good to be back." She suddenly frowned. "Hang on, where's Lloyd?"

"He dove overboard to save Harumi when she was supposedly taken by the Quiet One," Nya said bitterly. "Now we all know who that is."

"Harumi?" Y/n guessed. To Nya's nod of confirmation, she said, "So that's what I sensed back in the palace . . . Is he okay?"

"Depends on your definition of "okay". He's headed to the temple of the third mask with Harumi right now. I just hope he's less oblivious about deducing two-faced villains than deducing who's in love with him."

Two-faced? Ha, Y/n was tomato-faced. She was silent after that.

Baby Wu, who had initially scared the life out of Y/n (she'd genuinely thought that Cole had produced a child from the void while she was gone), babbled happily as he wandered about the deck. The Sons of Garmadon watched with cruel smirks.

"If you harm one hair on his head . . ." Cole warned through gritted teeth.

"You'll what?" Killow sneered. "Where is he? Where's the Green Ninja?"

"Ha. Like we'll ever tell you," grumbled the black ninja.

Killow loomed over them, a truly humbling situation considering his already titanic size.

"Uh, Cole, you don't argue with a man whose navel is that close," Jay deadpanned.

"Mr. E found them," informed a mowhawk-topped grunt, cutting the interrogation short.

"Good eye, Mr. E. The Oni Temple is just fifteen miles north of here. Set a course for the Quiet One," Killow ordered.

Nya huffed, understandably not thrilled at there situation. "You don't have to call her that. We know it's Harumi."

The Sons of Garmadon ignored her.

"Do you guys have any idea what you're doing?" Kai criticized. "She's planning on resurrecting Garmadon. Lord Garmadon. I'm gonna guess you never had the chance to meet him."

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