⤷chapter seven

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𝟔𝐓𝐇 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖


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𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃. It had been three days since Jess left her number for him, and no call. At this point, she had given up on waiting on the phone for a call.

Today was Jess' day off. She decided to spend the day shopping with Alaina since they both just received paychecks. But first, coffee, per tradition. 

The pair walked into the local coffee shop called Lily's. They sold coffee and baked goods. Jess and Alaina ordered their usual and picked it up. They sat at a long table in front of a window with barstools and pulled out the money they had collected from the bank.

Alaina took a sip of her drink and asked Jess, "How much money do you have to spend?"

Jess counted up her money, then replied, "120, how about you?"

"I've only got 75," Alaina said with a frown.

"That's alright, I can share some of mine," Jess told Alaina.

Alaina's frown suddenly turned into a smile as she replied, "Really? Thank you!"

The girls got up from their seats, grabbed their coffee, and exited the shop. Their plan was to go to their two favorite stores and then grab some food afterward.

They walked into the first clothing store and immediately went to the back corner where they kept the women's clothes.

Alaina picked up a white top and asked Jess, "Thoughts?"

Jess peaked over the rack in front of her and answered, "Hmm, pair it with jeans and it would suit you."

"Hm, you're right. I think I'll get it," Alaina said after a brief pause.

The girls spent 20 minutes picking out clothes from the racks and trying them on. After 30 minutes, they were headed for the next store.

Jess asked, "How much money do we have left?"

"Um, 57," Alaina replied.

Alaina and Jess approached the next shop, a makeup store. They spent a good 30 minutes in there trying different products and deciding which color looked best on each other. They left the store and headed to get some food.

When the two walked into the restaurant, a host asked, "Erm, how many?"

Jess replied to the host, "Just two."

The host looked down at the stand and examined the tables, before putting an X over one with a washable marker. He grabbed two menus from beside him and told the girls, "Follow me."

He led them to a corner booth. The table had plates and napkins on it already for the girls. They sat down next to each other as the host set the menus down.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly." The host explained and left.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Alaina whispered, "Hey, he's kinda hot."

"Um, just to you," Jess told her in a disgusted tone.

Alaina jumped back in her seat, sarcastically offended. She scoffed, "Ugh. You're so hopeless. You need to get a man honestly."

"Says you," Jess replied with an eye-roll as the waiter approached the table.

The waiter took his pad of paper and pen out of his pocket and spoke, "Hey ladies, how are we today?"

Alaina and Jess both replied with, "Good, and you?" to which he replied.

"Alright, just have had a long shift. What can I get you to drink?"

"Um, can I have a water, please and thanks." Asked Jess.

Alaina then said, "Lemonade, please."

The waiter wrote down the order and then told the girls, "Okay, thanks. I'll be back."

"Alaina, when will you give up the lemonade? You're like 19." Jess joked.

Ever since the girls were little, Alaina's been obsessed with lemonade. She would always order it every time the pair went out for food. Every. Single. Time.

Soon, their drinks were delivered. Alaina immediately took a gulp of her lemonade, leaving only half of the glass left.

"Alaina, chill" Jess giggled.

Alaina set her glass down with a loud clink and defended herself, "Dude, it's amazing. You don't get it."

Jess rolled her eyes, "Okay okay, whatever."

A little while later, the waiter came back to take their orders. The girls decided to split an order of a large salad and a side of chips. They still felt a little full from their coffee that morning, so the decision to split a meal was easy.

When the waiter walked away, Alaina began to babble about how cute the waiter is, and Jess tuned her out. She began daydreaming about the brunette she always saw at work. Jess was so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed her best friend trying to get her attention.

"Helloooo, Jess?" Alaina said while getting closer and closer to Jess' face. She snapped her fingers in her face and Jess came back to reality.

"Oh, um, my bad." Jess sheepishly said, her ears and face turning red.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Alaina daringly asks.

Jess pauses to think, then replies, "Nothing much."

"So there's something," Alaina questions, "Tell me?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Please. Please. Please"

Jess rolls her eyes before giving in, "Fine, if you wanna know so bad."

"YES thank you, Jess." Alaina quickly says before her friend changes her mind. 

"Alright, I'm just thinking about this guy, so you can chill," Jess says.

"You're thinking about WHAT?!" Alaina shouts in surprise.

"Calm down girl," Jess quickly says; the duo getting a few stares from others sitting nearby.

"Spill. Now." Alaina orders.

Jess sighs, then replies, "Alright, this guy came into my work a couple of times and I think he's cute. That's all."

Her friend thinks for a moment, then asks, "Name? Looks? Rate him 1-10?"

"Ugh. His name is Harry, and he looks cute. I would give him an 8 or something."

"Okay, so pretty cute. Where does he live? What's his mom's name?"

"Um, I don't know, I don't need to know," Jess replies with one eyebrow raised. Alaina always asked the most random questions.

Before Alaina could ask Jess any more questions, a food runner brought their shared meal to them. Both girls thanked the man and dug into their food.

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author's note

i feel like the relationship and all is moving kinda fast. my bad.

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