Chapter 6: Secrets Unveiled

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too much for some readers) At Marks' hotel room he was sitting on the end of the bed on the phone. "Well she indeed took over, but I advise nobody to take any furthers steps until we know for sure what they are capable of." He said to someone on the phone agreeing with whomever he was chatting with. "Yes sir, will do." He said hanging up and smirks and says to himself "She has no idea what's going to happen tomorrow night." With that, he went to bed morning came the next day I had woke up and decided to make breakfast and start packing for my move today when Dwyatt called "Hello?" I answered, "Hey beautiful want to have breakfast with me today?" He replied as I smiled packing boxed "As good as that sounds I can't I have to finish packing and start moving today." I replied with a smile. "Oh, I didn't know you were moving do you need help?" He asked, I thought about it for a minute "Maybe tomorrow im just gonna get it all moved over there and then I am gonna go to HQ and go have dinner with a friend from college" I said. "Ah okay well then it's a date tomorrow send me your address and I'll meet you." He said and hung up, I shook my head not realizing how red I became Dwyatt was really growing on me. I packed what I could and I placed everything on the moving truck and sent them on their way and made some orders for some more furniture and went to HQ to find a to-go bag on my desk with 'From Dwyatt' on a post-it note shook my head and ate the breakfast sending him a thank you text and went on with my day bringing in people who have not paid for their orders. "If you do not pay within 24 hours we are coming after you no more extensions you do this every month from what I have seen on these records, so make the payments okay?" I told each person as they come in I shook my head and handled the rest of the orders. The day went by fairly fast it was getting time to go out to dinner with Mark, I hurried to my new house and went through my boxes finding clothes, and called him to get the address for the restaurant and met him there. "Wow, you look amazing." Said someone to my right as I turn around I see Mark dressed up as well. "Well don't you clean up nice," I replied walking to him taking his arm making our way inside. It was an Italian place I had never been to before I suppose he called ahead because we were sat down fast and our food came out just as we sat down. "I hope you don't mind I know you like your pasta." He said as the waiter brings over the wine "You remembered." I said smiling as I sip my wine and take a bite of my pasta. We spent the night chatting and enjoying one another's company soon finishing our meals and headed outside to the parking lot when we were ambushed I had been knocked out from behind. Hours had passed I had finally woken I had been tied to a chair and tape over my mouth the room was dark but I could hear voices outside the room as I struggled someone finally come in and turned on a light I looked up to see Mark. I felt deceived "Hey beautiful, did you have a good nap?" He said with a smirk as he rips the tape off. "Screw you!" I said as I spat on his face. His smirk faded as he wiped the spit off "That wasn't very nice Leena." He said angered as I try to loosen the ropes "You betrayed me! Asshole!" I yelled. He walked away and turned back around "I am just following orders, now we are going to play a game tell me what I need to know or get tortured." He said as someone brings in different weapons. I looked away "I'm not telling you shit!" I said. He shook his head and sighed running his fingers across the weapons laid out picking up a knuckle duster and hitting me across the face I laugh and spit out blood. "Who is your boss Mileena? This could end easily if you'd just tell me." He said crouching in front of me making me look at him. "Go to hell Mark!" I said laying my head back as he prepares to deliver the next blow soon connecting the knuckle duster to my ribs. I let out a scream. "I'll leave you with that I'll be back and you better have answers!" He said leaving. I shook my head and spoke to myself "I have to get out of here." I closed my head passing out from the pain. The morning came soon when I didn't show up at HQ everyone became suspicious and went to my dad they knocked until he finally answered. "What?" He asked looking at August who had fear in his eyes "Is Mileena here?" August asked. "What do you mean, she moved out remember?" Said, my dad as he quickly closed his robe "She didn't show up at HQ, she left her cell on her desk." Said August walking in holding my phone in his hands. My dad quickly takes it and starts going through it "She went on a date with Mark last night she's probably at home asleep. Let me get ready and we will head over to her house." Said my dad as he quickly threw on some clothes and took August to my house. They arrived and found that my Jeep was not anywhere around, confused they headed over to the hotel where Mark stayed neither one of our cars were there. "This is not good boss." Said August as my phone started to ring Dwyatt had called for the 3rd time that morning. "Hello?" My dad answered putting the phone on speaker, "Nelson? what are you doing on Mileenas' phone?" Asked Dwyatt, "She is missing, she didn't show up at HQ this morning." Said August taking the phone. "Let me go to the Police Department and see if I can get the traffic cams for last night and this morning." He said hanging up. Everyone was on the lookout worried to death. Hours passed and Dwyatt sends my dad an address to where I was last seen on traffic cameras and explained that I and Mark were taken little did they know Mark was the mastermind behind it all. They had half of the police department on the lookout for anything suspicious but came up with nothing.

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