Arc 1: Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling refreshed and yawned softly before rolling out of bed as I always do... just to hit the floor with a loud thud.


I'd forgotten about being in an entirely different body with different rules again and paid the price.

That hurt, but at least my stomach doesn't hurt anymore!

Sweet, that means I can eat breakfast!

[[Don't overdo it.]]

I've learned my lesson!

Getting scolded immediately after waking up from a long nap is such a familiar, nostalgic feeling for me.

"Are you alright?" one of the girls sharing this room with me mumbled from her own bed. I think I woke her up when I hit the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fell out of my bed, is all."

The girl grumbled a bit and turned over and away from me, seemingly annoyed by the disturbance to her sleep.

Still, that hurts!

My arm was still throbbing from falling from around six feet up on my lofted bed. Yeah, I fell off of a lofted bed; that's why the noise I'd made was so loud. I'd have to make sure I didn't do that again in the future.

I then got ready and shuffled my way to the dining hall to go get some grub!

It was a bit of a struggle to find a seat since the students here didn't seem super inviting to me. I was greeted with stares and whispers about how I'd gotten locked out of the dorm and stuff rather than happy good mornings. More of the same, really; it was clear already that I didn't exactly fit in based on some of these kids' reactions to me last night.

This was fine though, I didn't care. I found a spot off to the side by myself where I could enjoy my meal in peace.

I started by eagerly piling food on my plate, licking my lips in anticipation.


I'll take it slow this time, okay?

[[The volume is the issue here.]]

I thought I was holding myself back enough, but it seemed Ciel didn't agree.

Shrugging off her disapproval, I grabbed another muffin off a nearby plate... and nearly dropped it when a sharp pang of pain struck my gut. My stomachache had returned with a vengeance!

Okay! Fine, I get it! I won't grab any more food!

The pain faded immediately and I slumped back into my seat, not exactly satisfied with what I'd already gathered for my meal. But, I could live with it, I suppose.

While focused on eating, someone actually joined me by sitting directly across the table. He didn't say anything and just grabbed his food and started eating too. It was the crying boy from last night; Sebastian was his name, I remembered. We made brief eye contact with each other but he continued to stay quiet as we both ate.

"You're the boy from last night." I bluntly stated out loud, hoping to strike up a conversation since the silence was getting uncomfortable after a few minutes.

The boy shrugged noncommittally and continued eating.

"And you're the girl that got locked out of the dorms."

I lightly nodded, "My name's Rimuru."

"I'm Sebastian."

"For the record, getting locked out wasn't my fault. Nobody told me the password yesterday."

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