Arc 2: Chapter 6

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Rimuru's POV

You wanna know how that cooking competition went, right? Well... Molly had no chance. She made a great casserole. However, Gordzee made pepperoni fried steaks.

Casserole, as English and iconic a mother's dish as it is... Well, it just can't compete with deep-fried steak. I didn't even know about deep-fried steak, let alone steak fried in pepperoni oil.

I made sure to add it to my recipe catalog.

Gordzee was left in charge of the kitchens, but Molly was still the head chef. Gordzee would be treated more like a 'kitchen spirit' who had the final say and could inspire cooks as he pleased.

He even offered to teach the 'stupid wizard children' to cook, after seeing how bad their attempts were.

Mr. Weasley meanwhile was given a small office in one of the towers. His job was simple, he'd go out and hire these 'squibs' and/or interview them here.

So now there were a good ten or twelve new magically-limited people wandering about the school doing janitorial duties, or working in the kitchens.

I felt kinda bad for them, being surrounded by magic yet having such limited magic themselves. The ones that still had any at all were slowly losing it, and by the time they reached adulthood, they'd have almost none left.

I felt tempted to fix it, but held my hand. I didn't want to disturb the balance of the world any more than I already had.

Now though, I was stuck doing laundry for the entire school. We couldn't use magic either, apparently 'cause messing up a cleaning spell once would be 'really bad.'

I didn't think I could mess up a simple spell even if I cast it 100 times, with no incantation, while eating, doing paperwork, and having Shuna glare at me, all at the same time. It was stupid that they wouldn't even let me try.

So, I was stuck doing it the old-fashioned way, and I mean the old-fashioned way, alongside the world's worst complainers, aka the Weasley twins. They didn't make for good company while being forced to wash clothes on grates in big basins of soapy water. It was flabbergasting that in this day and age, they didn't have any sort of washing machines, magical or not.

I needed to do something about it. This was just too far.

Putting an end to the enslavement of an entire race is one thing, but this was more of a personal gripe. I'd need to sort it out with this body's limitations because going as far as changing the world's rules for it seemed impetuous.

"Uh... done." I looked over at the other two after finishing my portion.

Filch was staring at the two boys like they were the scum of the earth; that was one thing I was grateful for, the man seemed to hate them both a lot more than he hated me. I wasn't sure if it was because of past transgressions, or just the fact that they openly complained a ton more than I did, but the sour-faced man seemed to have a vendetta against the two boys.

It was convenient enough for me since I finished faster that way. Clearing up some time for me to work on something of my own, specifically... I kinda wanted to make a toaster oven. It would make cooking snacks a lot easier.

There was this pesky spell on the school, though. I'd detected it when I first got here. Some sort of barrier, with one of its included effects being interference with modern technology. Why someone would put in such an asinine spell was inconceivable to me.

You'd think that wizard students could learn a lot from 'muggle tech', considering that this culture seems too focused on magic and nothing outside of that, but apparently not. It was frowned upon, I guess, to use stuff that 'muggles' invented anytime later than the Stone Age.

Rimuru Tempest and the World of Morons with Magic SticksWhere stories live. Discover now