Arc 2: Chapter 2

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It took me a few hours to convince Madam Pomfrey that I was fine and she finally let me leave the infirmary.

So now I was sitting at the lunch table, a little annoyed that I'd missed an opportunity to make a clown of that 'defense against the dark arts professor.'

I ignored it though and sighed into the bowl of soup in front of me. Apparently, that nurse ordered my food for me for the day too because I was 'still recovering'. This meant I was only allowed to have this soup. At least it tasted good, but after missing breakfast, I was hoping for something a bit more hearty.

"What's wrong? Isn't the soup good? There isn't much to complain about getting good food." Ginny seemed to have been following us around quite a bit as of late, and while it was nice, sometimes she seemed to be just a bit too folksy. No respect for the culinary arts.

"I think Rimuru's mad she can't have the other stuff with the soup."

"And whose fault is that? I wouldn't be in this situation if you had just kept your blabber-mouth shut." I still wasn't too happy with the boy after he pulled that stunt back in the infirmary.

"Well. Sure." Sebastian grumbled and went quiet. "Who makes all this food anyway? I've never seen a chef come up here."

"Hm. I think it's mostly the house elves, but some of the Hufflepuff students help too, sometimes. They have been at the school for a long time."

"House... elves?"

"Yeah, they've been serving wizard-kind for a very long time, but usually it's only the richest ones that own them."

"Wait, are we talking about slaves?"

"Slaves? Uh... I don't think so. The house elves want to serve wizards and witches, I think."

Sebastian looked startled for a moment. "Yeah, I think that might be a bit far, Rimuru, at least if Ginny's right. Plus... Going on a big fuss about it might make it worse for them... We're just kids, we can't change anything..." I'd have to deal with his self-worth later, slavery was the current topic of discussion.

Ginny took back over the conversation. "Talking about a big fuss, one of my brother's friends has been making one, I think. It even caused some of the house elves to stop working for a few days... Dunno what happened, though."

"Hm, really? Who might that friend be?"

"I think her name is Herminone?"

"You mean Hermione?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that was her name."

"Isn't that the girl that everyone calls an annoying know-it-all?"

"Yes, but that isn't what I'm worried about. Might as well visit her." I stood up, taking my tray with me. "You two play nice while I'm gone, 'kay?"

"What do you mean 'play nice,' you're the one that causes problems! I'm the most esteemed person we know."

"Sebastian has a point... for once." Ginny said, although I think she was only referring to the first part. She still didn't like Sebastian enough to describe the boy as 'esteemed.'

"Whatever you say."

I stood up and started walking away from the two kids.

"Hey! Want to try and steal Professor Flitwick's stepstool?"

"I'll pass. I think I'll go hang out with my Gryffindor friends now."

It seemed like Sebastian was about to get himself into trouble, but I didn't care.

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