Arc 2: Chapter 1

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Authors' Note(s):

Hello, again! Long time, no see! Did you miss this series? I bet you did!

It's time for another influx of new chapters, much like before. We'll be posting them all over the next week or so, one at a time.

I hope you enjoy this first chapter of arc 2, and you won't have to wait long for the next one.


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??? POV

How? How did this happen?

My plans had been ruined by that thing that stole my diary from that weasel. My connection and influence over that useless witch was near-perfect, but was instantly cut off and dispelled. Ever since then, I'd been cut off from the world, able to do nothing but turn my thoughts toward my own memories.

I couldn't even seek out a new target to sap the life out of to manifest a body, I was trapped and seemingly helpless to whatever it was that interfered with my glorious plan.

So, I sat on a bench in a copy of platform nine and three-quarters, watching people whose faces I couldn't make out, but I was sure I'd killed in one way or another, walk by. My successor had surely done a great job, even if it was clear now he'd died.

Well, failed, at least, unable to carry out our mission at this point. I was certain he was scheming to bring himself back, just like I was.

I, for one, had tried seemingly everything to make my way back out into the real world, to escape this void my little pocket dimension of memories was trapped inside. But I failed too, despite my efforts.

Then, I watched all the pathetic people milling around this space disperse into nothing, leaving me completely alone. I didn't will this, so I wasn't sure why this happened.

I looked around the space, confused, and my eyes stopped on something strange. A large, shiny blob the size of a large cart. Colored an emerald blue, and having the impression of piercing golden eyes that glared menacingly, despite otherwise not having a face.

I'd never seen such a thing before, how could it be in my world?! Everything here is made of what I know, and what I experienced in life. Something completely new and alien to me just simply couldn't exist in this space.

The blob started to distort, and there was a flash almost like a silhouette of a dragon. Large and imposing, majestic even, before standing in the place of the strange thing was a person. Slender, but not too tall, with long silver-blue hair and eyes that matched the ones I saw before, gleaming gold with a feeling that they could see right through me.

"Well, hi there–"

"Avada Kedavra!"

I immediately attacked this person since the amount of danger I was feeling from them was incredible. But, the green light of my spell just leaked out of my wand and fizzled away into the air.

"Is that how you say hi to someone? That's a pretty strange greet–"


"You know, no matter how many times you try that. It won't work."

"A-avada Kedavra..." The spark of green light from my spell did actually escape this time, and rush toward that monster.

Only to be caught in the palm of the creature's hand and played with like a toy. "You know, this is a nasty little thing. Still, magic power is magic power." It then ate the spell. "Tastes like hatred... And a hint of fear. Cute."

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