Chapter Five

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"I have the most amazing news," Lydia came running to Elizabeth's room like a whirlwind. "You won't believe it."

"Slow down, Lydia." Elizabeth laughed at her younger sister's enthusiasm. It was only one of two things that could put spring under Lydia's feet, and Elizabeth could guess which one it might be.

"There's going to be a party." She jumped up and down, hands clasped.

"Huh?" Elizabeth looked at her sister in confusion. Who would throw a party when there was a murderer on the loose?

"Mr. and Miss Bingley are hosting it to welcome their friend. Isn't that grand?" Lydia stared at Elizabeth, who sighed in disappointment.

"Well, that's not very wise." Elizabeth shrugged. It was unlikely she would attend.

Elizabeth saw that Lydia wanted to say something, but Jane entered the room, distracting them both. Their eldest sister had a thoughtful expression on her face. Ignoring Lydia, she said to Elizabeth, "I've been thinking about Mr. Collins. It's odd that he was so interested in those old records you told me about. Do you think they might hold a clue to the murder?"

Elizabeth nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "It's possible, Jane."

Lydia glared at them and then stomped out of the room.

Jane's eyebrows rose inquisitively. "Do you have a suspect in mind?"

"Mr. Darcy," she said without pause. "He arrived with the victim, and there's something about his demeanor that doesn't quite add up." She could put it any way she wanted, but in truth, it was easier to suspect an outsider than someone they might know and love.

Jane's gaze softened, her hand reaching out to rest on Elizabeth's. "You've always had a knack for seeing beyond the surface, Lizzy. But be cautious. We don't want to jump to conclusions because knowing the victim doesn't automatically make him the killer."

Elizabeth nodded, appreciating her sister's counsel. "You're right. We need more information before we make any judgments."

As the evening wore on, Elizabeth found herself drawn to the inn's library, a room filled with volumes holding the echoes of countless stories. She perused the shelves, her fingers tracing the spines as her mind churned with thoughts. A particular book caught her attention – a history of Longbourn and its inhabitants.

Opening the book, Elizabeth's eyes scanned the pages, her heart quickening as she stumbled upon a passage that spoke of a long-forgotten scandal involving the village's founding families.

Just as Elizabeth was about to delve further, a voice interrupted her reverie. "Miss Bennet, I didn't expect to find you here."

She turned to find Fitzwilliam Darcy standing in the doorway, his gaze fixed on her with a mix of curiosity and something else she couldn't quite place.

"Mr. Darcy, that should be my line. Didn't you leave because the inn made you uncomfortable?"

"Yes, but your father was kind enough to allow me the use of his library." Darcy's lips quirked in a faint smile. Glancing at the title of the book in her hands, he said, "History has a way of revealing hidden truths, does it not?"

Elizabeth's heart raced, the realization dawning upon her: Darcy's presence might hold more significance than she initially suspected. As they exchanged a measured gaze, it was clear their paths were intertwined in ways that defied mere coincidence.

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