Chapter 10

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I woke up my ship coming out of hyperspace, the silence of space consumed me. I safely landed my ship on the planet of two setting suns. I sighed as I watched the merciless sand crash around my ship, specifically a town.

I could get a job there, an apartment. Just me, myself, and I. I don't need anyone, I think that was obvious. I thought to myself.

Days turn into months, months turn into years and I have done well for myself. I found myself working odd jobs in bars, soon to be picked up by the bounty-hunting guild. I found that they gave me a constant income, as long as my skills could provide a job well done. Although I could travel wherever I wanted to, I felt a strong hold on Tatooine. I couldn't explain it, but I felt stronger, and calmer there.

In all those years I cut myself off from the Force, both the light and the dark side. Rumors spread about how anyone could use the Force as long as they were focused and disciplined. After I had done my research into those rumors through one of my bounties on the Wren clan, I had lost interest in connecting to the Force. To me, the force became unspecial, boring, and futile. So, to keep up routine, before I start a bounty mission I would meditate and focus myself. I could have focused on my heartbreak during those years, but there is no power in sorrow. I found that by holding onto the anger I had for Maul, I gained peace with myself.

Unfortunately, too many years had gone by and I started to age away from my prime. I started to become sloppy with my bounties. The Guild thought it to be best if I became a contractor, a negotiator, and a dealer for new bounty hunters. How the mighty have fallen, but I was grateful to still have a job that brings me money and protection.

But today was different from others. I picked up a special bounty request. One from the new government, The New Republic. It wasn't to kill someone or to bring in an ex-Imperialist. It was to find someone, recover them like they were some lost puppy. But what I thought was most suspicious was that it didn't have the seal of Chancellor Mothma. It was unmarked but clear that it was sent from someone with access to a desk job. It was a mark for Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he goes by Ben Kenobi now.

I sat back as I scanned the request. I started to feel angry once more, the same juvenile anger I felt when I was cast aside by the Jedi. By the council where Obi-Wan sat, judged, and banned me from The Order. There was no way I could just assign this to these immature and greedy hunters. They don't deserve or even know Kenobi like I did. He and my old Master Plo Koon were close. I know how he works, I know how he craves justice, but only through his hands. I closed my eyes and chuckled. If the Guild was contacted to look for him, that means Maul has failed to kill him. I needed this victory over Maul, it would be just the perfect petty trick to get on his nerves.

I sat up in my chair and put in my time-out card for the next week. I needed to find Kenobi myself and "recover" him for the New Republic. I walked out of the cantina's back offices and right out the door.

"Hey there little miss..." A familiar voice called out to me as I was just about to walk out the door.

"Bane, I already gave you three assignments, there is no way you finished those bounties in what, two days?"

"No you're right, I have no more, I was just resting... I was wondering where a back office little rat was going in such a hurry." He said getting up and walking over to me. I scoffed at him and kept walking, leaving him in the dust. I needed to find Kenobi before Maul did.

Over the last few weeks, I was able to get some old Imperial documents about hunting old Jedi, even one about how the old geezer Darth Vader killed Kenobi. But we all know how difficult it is to kill a spider roach. Either way, the documents said that Kenobi was found on Tatooine. I smiled to myself.

That's why I felt as if I could never leave. Because I had to kill Kenobi, and he was here the whole kriffn' time... I chuckled to myself as I sat in one of the cantina's speeders.

"H-hey! That's mine! Get off!" Some newbie yelled over to me.

"Yeah, and you'll get it back, eventually..." I yelled back, starting the speeder up. I chuckled at the young bounty hunter who was scrambling over to me, I pulled the speeder back and drove off into the desert sand, quite literally leaving him in the dust.

I was given no tracker, so I had to do things the old-fashioned way, look for permanent clues. 

How would a living and sentient being find water and provisions? Shelter? I started by looking in the caves on the outskirts of various water colonies. Nothing but empty caverns, however, I kept up my search but not before resting in one of the caverns.

Starting again the next day, I scavenged all around Tatooine's caverns looking for any sort of life signs, that is until I found an old robe lying disheveled across a rock in one of the caverns.

"Finally!" I said as I sat down next to it. I realized how hungry I was, how thirsty, but I had no time to crave things other than my revenge on Maul. I closed my eyes and touched the robe. I connected with the Force quicker than I thought as it has been years. I saw visions of an older Kenobi lying on it for comfort while he slept. I then saw him as an elderly man leaving it there and traveling out into the desert.

Perfect, I almost have you... I thought as I took the robe and hopped on my speeder.

"I'm sorry, are you lost by any chance?" A voice spoke up to me from above the rocks. I was startled, I could not sense him through the Force, but I must give myself leeway. It has been a while since I have used or even thought of the Force and its benefits. I quickly turn to see a familiar, yet old face.

"Kenobi... You got ugly..." I smirked, leaning on the bike and looking up at him. He chuckled.

"It's almost funny for me to say that I'm glad you are alive Y/N. Although, I still sense turmoil within you." He sat down on the rocks above the cavern, how he loved having the high ground.

"I have come to lure you so that I can kill Maul."

"Well, that's blunt and rather honest of you."

"I do not need to lie. Especially to you of all people. Let me ask you a question..." He nodded signifying I could continue, I smiled and crossed my arms. "Is it true that your old padawan is Darth Vader? The man who slaughtered the Jedi and younglings? His own wife?"

Kenobi grew silent, his face changed from the sarcastic raise to a solemn countenance.

"I have failed him, as I have failed you Y/N. For that, I am truly sorry. We the council-"

"I could care less about that old council. You could have seen the corruption from a mile away but you Jedi chose to ignore it. I'm not here to taunt you Kenobi, I'm here so when Maul finds you, and he will find you, I can kill him myself." I pulled Kenobi down from the rocks above to my level by the neck and dropped him down to my feet. He coughed as he rose back to his feet.

"How long have you been looking for me? You must be hungry dear Y/N. I have found some black melons and have killed two womp weasels. I had a feeling I would have some lovely company." He said as he went inside his cavern, I followed him curiously.

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