He left me

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I turned and found Tae standing there.

Tae: leave her alone

Seulgi immediately left my hand and they both ran from there. Tae came towards me and took my wrist which was now red. I started to cry. He looked at me and immediately hugged me. I hugged him back.

Tae: shhh I am here. Stop crying.

I hugged him closely while he patted my head. Jungkook, Lisa and jennie too came there.

Lisa: Y/N are you okay?

I broke the hug. And then looked at Tae who was wiping my tears off. I looked at Lisa and then nodded. She came and hugged me.

Jungkook: it's good that you are ok. Let's go back to the classroom.

Third person's pov
Jennie came towards tae but he ignored her and went with y/n. Jennie became angry seeing this.

Jennie (in mind) : this y/n! Argh I hate her. She always comes between me and tae. I almost kissed him but she again came in between.

When y/n went from there, Jennie smirked and tried to get closer to tae.

Tae: jen what are you-

He was cut off by her, as she kept her finger on his lips.

Jennie: shh.. I have been waiting for this.

He didn't stopped her and let her do it. They were about to kiss but then he felt something and he immediately pushed her.

Tae: I am sorry but right now we are at school. We can't do this here.

He made a distance from her and she got extremely angry but didn't showed it to him.

Jennie: it's okk.

Tae: lisa, where is y/n?

Jennie got more angry listening to her name.

Lisa: don't know, she said she's going to the washroom. But she is not back yet.

Tae: hmm

But then they heard a student.

Student: oh guys you know seulgi is again bullying someone.

Jungkook: who?

Student: Y/N!

Listening to him, Tae angrily got up and went outside to save her. Jennie got angry seeing this. Jungkook and lisa too followed him.
Back to present

Jennie: this is all because of this y/n, that Tae avoids me all the time. Ugh what should I do to take his attention? Wait! Should I do the same thing like y/n does? Get in trouble.

She smirked and went back to the classroom.

In the medical room
Tae: is it still paining?

Y/N: no no I am fine, you should go to the class

Tae: no I am not going anywhere. I guess you should go home

Nurse: this isn't a big wound, there's no need to go home

Y/N: see you are just worrying too much

Tae: I am not, you were crying so much that's why I am just worried.

He avoided eye contact. She pinched his cheeks.

Y/N: awwww

Tae: yah stop that

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