She is here

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I rubbed my head because of this sudden headache and huffed loudly. Where the hell is he?? did my PA died while making coffee?? I was about to shout again, when suddenly the door got opened.

"DOES ONE CUP OF COFFEE TAKES THAT MUCH TIME??", I shouted without looking at him.

"I-i am sorry sir", came a too much familiar sweet voice, which I was dying to hear since forever.

My eyes shoot opened. No, no, did I heard it right? I turned my head towards the door, and literally the floor got slipped from beneath my legs. She is looking like an epitome of a goddess. I know she is beautiful, but did she become more in these past few days. I looked at her gorgeous face, oh god I have missed her so much. But wait why are her eyes, puffy and red? Did she cried or didn't sleep well?

I was busy admiring my love, when she cleared her throat and said in her melodious voice "sir, your coffee". I closed my eyes as a sudden wave of emotion hit me. I have missed her like crazy. But why is she here??

I opened my eye and asked her directly. "What are you doing here??", My voice came more rough than I intend it to be. I can see, she flinched on my words. She looked down and replied softly "I-i am one of the team member working with your enterprise".

I am not in a mood to remember those heartbreaking moments again, so I said "you can get back to your work Miss. Lee". I can see surprise and maybe hurt in her beautiful eyes. But I looked straight on my laptop. Why are you here??

I saw she moved close and kept the coffee on the desk and turned to go. She looked back at me one last time and without saying anything, she left.

I exhaled. Why now YNa??

To be continued...

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